Chapter 4 : Father's Teachings

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka PoV

I was currently in a car. You can say a luxurious one. Sitting at the back near the window gazing outside at the skyscrapers perching through the sky, roads full of people talking. Park with children playing. Feeling the the fresh air on my skin and blowing my hairs. This is an exhilarating experience. I want tosee more of this.

All knowledge I had about the nature was from the books. Books showed some great writers shares there perspective. If I have to given my own I will say. Great lengths of mountains, thriving ecosystems, the ever-spreading sky together with the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere create a saga called "Nature". Rich both in terms of its scenic beauty and replenishing resources, nature accounts for supporting life in different shapes and forms on our planet.

It sounds like a technical definition, but thats all I know. It might change as I encounter new things.but right now I know one thing. When I feel the cold air striking against my skin, I feel like a bird flying across the sky without a destination. I can't possibly explain the situation in mere words, of my own.

I suddenly feel a gaze directed at me by the person sitting beside me. This has been quite a few days. After the new revelation with my.....father, yeah still feels wierd rolling over the tongue,who is currently sitting beside me, I came to know more about him his ambition, youth, logical perspective, accomplishments, his view on society and my mother.

Though the majority was bad from morality and ethical standpoint there were some good moments he had. From our talk on that day I can take it Ayanokouji Family to be one of the most rich family in Japan. Only few people knew about it and were familiar it.

Father told me about other major families namely Koenji's and Kiryuin's were the closest to us compared to others. Though many were closer to us in money but no one had more influence.

He briefed it to the explained most basic social norms and beliefs. How I should present myself and my family name. Also there were a people who knew about me and White Room but all of them were trusted enough to not disclosed it to public.

He was basically giving me preamble into my future. He did warn me to be  extremely cautious, I don't think i should 'that' cautious as he basically has  paranoia.

After getting the gist of it, I have to respect the man beside me for his accomplishments, without necessarily being a genius.

Now, apparently, I am on my way to our home. I am outside in the open first time in 6 years. It has been 5 days since I talked to Chairman Sakayanagi and agreed to join his school. But however school will in April and meaning there is still 6 months in that.

My father proposed I should use this 6 month to improve my social and conversation skills which I heartedly agree as it would be hard for me survive in a society without interacting with others.

But what should i do to that?

How can one who is not able to hold a conversation leans to hold the same. As I was thinking of the possible solution, my father spoke

"Kiyotaka we are make a quick stop before heading home. It seems urgent, if you don't have a problem." He said.

He is definitely lying. He is not a sort of a person who misses or forgot a scheduled meeting. And if it's not scheduled, he wouldn't have cared about it. But he has some motive behind it. I don't really care but I think will judge it myself.

"Hmm " I said.

"Well then we should head toward a shop. We need to buy you a change of clothing may be suit." He said with a smirk.

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