Part 236- A Glimpse Into My Head: Bipolar

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"Mental Illness: we feel alone because due to the illness we have lost loved ones, families, friends, jobs and it has created broken hearts and shattered dreams. We feel EXTREMELY UNWANTED for something we didn't ask for and trying so hard to cope with. Believe us, if we can snap our fingers and make it disappear it would be a wish come true. But that only happens in fairy tales." -Ana Landa

The infamous Bipolar disorder. This illness I feel gets very neglected, pushed to the shadows of other mental illnesses. There are a few forms but the most common are bipolar 1 and 2.
Bipolar 1 is extreme stages of depression and mania each lasting a few months on end. Mania if you do not know is acting happy in a sense, reckless, excited, and a little crazy for lack of a better word. The swing of stages cause people to sometimes be short tempered.
Bipolar 2 is almost the same things but instead a person swings between stages of depression and hypomania. Hypomania is just a less intense form of mania. The stages of a person with bipolar 2 last up to a few weeks or less.
Bipolar is a terrible disease because it seems like a persons mood is all over the place. This illness causes a lot of pain, heartbreak, and lost relationships. Its very common for sufferers of bipolar to have a short temper, which can be hard on loved ones because they don't want to be faced with a happy and then beyond pissed person. Everyone knows what depression is and feels like so I don't have to explain that. Mania however is a different story. Maniac stages are very confusing. A person acts really weird, not like themselves at all. You act a lot more outgoing, excited, energetic. A lot of the times you end up doing things you wouldn't usually. You have this new found energy that basically controls your body.
Everything with bipolar is so complicated which makes it so hard to cope with.
There is something called bipolar depression that I have to deal with in my everyday life. It deals with shorter periods of hypo mania and longer of pure depressive stages. However there are short hypo mania stages, when you are acting crazy you feel depressed. Your emotions feel like the same old hopeless crap, but you act completely insane, are really loud and outgoing and all that. It's a really weird feeling, I absolutely hate it. I always end up doing crap that I regret during the hypo mania, but due to not being able to control the excitement I feel more depressed than I do during a normal depression stage. Bipolar Depression isn't well known and not very common. I seriously never really heard of it before until a few months ago. I never thought I would be this way. Always making jokes about the weather being bipolar, someone being bipolar just because they have a little mood swing.
The biggest misconception is the mood swings. People with Bipolar disorder don't really have "mood swings" it's not the right term for it. Not everyone of us have the short temper. The switch between episodes is not a mood swing. I can't stress that enough.
Bipolar is a tough Disorder, I'm here for anyone who is struggling through this. Keep strong, stay beautiful👊

(Btw, I made that quote edit attached to this)

Happy Easter,
Love Maiya

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