Part 148- Rant
Everybody's dreams are coming true!! Everyone's but mine...
I try my hardest in everything, but everything's meant to be broken:( I can't help but feel handcuffed. I feel stepped on by everyone. Friends, family, strangers down the street. People are getting freedom, being loved by so many people...and I...I'm lying in my dark room once again on a Friday with no plans. I stopped trying a while ago, and now I just feel so no-good for nothing. They say "Don't complain if you don't try!" Well I tried a long time ago and nothing ever worked out, so don't tell me I'm complaining, or a baby! I've tried 50 times harder than you for the past 14 years! So now everyone is off having fun, doing teenager things as I....I am staring at these 4 walls again that I have become so known to, and I can't help but feel betrayed by them too.
The Depressed Life (Book of Poems, Quotes, and Rants)
AcakThis is the sequel to the book 'Depression Poems and Quotes'! *ONLY READ IF YOU HAVE DEPRESSION, YOU SELF HARM, ARE SUICIDAL, ETC. OR IF YOU'VE HAD EXPERIENCE WITH IT* I wrote all of the poems and rants unless said otherwise! But the quotes are...