-BLOOD ON PAPERS- (It's alot less dramatic than it sounds)

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Y/n pressed their face into their desk as the maths teacher droned on about algebra.

Y/n had already forgotten his name and they weren't going to bother asking, pretty much everyone knew that they had a specialty in forgetting people-who-they-thought-were-unimportant's names quickly. So if you tried to become friends with Y/n and talked to them and then came back the next day and talked to them again and they scrunched up their face in frustration and puzzlement when they looked at you while their words carefully avoided saying your name then you probably don't stand a chance at becoming friends with them.

They yawned before feeling someone tap them on their shoulder, Y/n lifted their head and twisted around to see who tapped them.

"Can I have your pencil?" It was Tammy, her already frizzy ginger hair seemed to be even messier.

"Do I look like an Officeworks?" They replied dryly. Tammy frowned.

"I've never been to an Officeworks, that's in Australia, we're not Australian." She pointed out and closed and opened her palm rapidly. Do you have a spare pencil?"

"Tammy! Y/n!" The maths teacher barked "I'm speaking!"

Y/n sighed then dug into their pencil case and passed Tammy a lead pencil, Tammy whispered a thanks then sunk back into her chair and scribbled down something on her worksheet, Y/n cooly looked at the maths teacher to find out they were under his furious glare.

He yelled something that Y/n didn't catch. They shrugged at him, the teacher's face was pomegranate-seed red in anger as he slowly turned around and began talking again, his words going through one of Y/n's ears and out the other.

The next thing that happened was rather peculiar.

Y/n was literally about to nod off, hanging their head and closing their eyes just like most of the other freshmen in the class before they felt a funny feeling in their nose.

They fluttered open their eyes and blinked, Y/n lifted up their finger and dabbed their top lip with it and when they looked at it again, it was coated with a dark red liquid.

"Oh," Y/n said aloud and they looked at their piece of paper to see that deep cinnabar coloured droplets were scattered across it, glistening and shining in the light. A nosebleed. They didn't get those often. They turned around to look at Tammy who was desperately trying to catch up with the maths teacher.

"Tammy," Y/n hissed at her, Tammy looked up and Y/n pointed at their nose "look at me!"

"EWW" Tammy widened her eyes and yelped, catching absolutely everyone's attention.

Y/n grinned at this as the other freshmen leaned out of their seats to get a look at whatever was going on, Y/n turned around to show the students their nosebleed and they 'ooo'd' in surprise.

"Y/n!" The maths teacher hollered furiously, Y/n snapped their attention onto him and blinked innocently.

"Sorry," They apologised, his grey eyes were blazing with anger. He said something that Y/n didn't hear then turned around, quivering with rage. A few people in the class snickered then
fell quiet again.

Y/n wiped their nose with their hand then wiped their hand on their pants, the entertainment was brief, they thought as they continued to try-to-listen the maths teacher drone on.

// 578 words

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