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"I think they're trying to kill me, Tammy" Y/n grumbled "Look how much fucking salt they put on my chips"

They twirled the slightly mushy French fry with their fingers as Tammy fiddled with a toy that she had gotten from her happy meal, a happy meal with six chicken nuggets, apple juice and small chips to be specific.

Y/n and Tammy had decided to camp near the big McDonald's sign next to some bushes to eat their food- and reflect on their past decisions. At the moment Y/n was internally studying their memories of the day as they stared at the French fry they were holding.

Why did I decide to go to the forest directly after seeing some creepy guy staring at us?  They furrowed their brows at the thought. Damn. Dumb horror movie character move.

"Are we going to skip school tomorrow again?" Tammy asked as she chomped on a nugget and Y/n swerved their head to the side to look at her. Their bags sat between the two.

Y/n just shrugged at her, getting a frown in reply as she clicked her happy meal toy before grabbing the bag from the forest, zipping it open and dropping the toy inside it as the noises of cars and faint chatter of voices sounded in the distance. Y/n tilted their head forwards slightly and slipped their hand into their pocket, feeling the leather of the blood-stained goggles and pulling them out.

The lenses of the goggles glinted in the light of the glowering McDonald's sign as they held it out in their palm. In the corner of their eye they saw Tammy turning her head to the side again.

"Can I hold it?" She questioned once more and Y/n looked at her.

"Sure." They held out the goggles for Tammy to take them. She picked them up and peered at them before... putting them on. "AH- Tammy that's GROSS" Y/n yelped as she adjusted the goggles on her face then grinned at Y/n.

Tammy snickered and Y/n swatted at her arm "Those goggles are mank, take that shit off" They waved their hand at her and she rolled her eyes, the lenses got rid of her irises' blue color.

She lifted the goggles up and let them rest on top of her head, Y/n leaned forwards and attempted to yank the goggles off her. Not only did they fail, Tammy shrieked and flicked Y/n's eye in defence, causing them to yelp, drop their French fry and jump back "OW," They hissed and Tammy cackled as Y/n blinked rapidly then pressed their fingers against the eye Tammy poked (Their eye was closed, by the way, don't worry. Why would you put your fingers against your eyeball?) Their cold hand had to do for a cold compress for now.

"You IDIOT" Y/n glared at Tammy who just snickered, showing no remorse. Y/n tried keeping a straight face, but eventually gave in and cracked up. Tammy playfully punched their shoulder and Y/n bopped her on the head in return.

"Ow," She giggled then took the goggles off and gave them back to Y/n- 'giving' them back would be mellowing down what she actually did. Because Tammy threw the goggles at Y/n with all of her strength and might. Luckily since her aim was shit, it just smacked Y/n's chest and fell into their lap.

Y/n snorted, picked up the goggles and stared at them. Y/n's smile slowly began to fade, the longer they looked at the lenses, the more tense the air seemed to get.

The goggles had an uncanny vibe. Similar to the aura of the mask of that dudewhobrokeintotheirhouseandfelldownthestairsthendisappeared. But it was different in a way that Y/n couldn't explain, it gave off a much more... 'evil' vibe. Oooh, spooky.

Y/n shuddered and they closed their hand tightly, squeezing the goggles. Tammy looked up. "You alright?" She asked.

"Uh, not really" Y/n answered dryly, Tammy frowned. "I want to go home,"

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