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It was now a Sunday night, 11:45 to be exact. Everyone in the house was surely asleep by now... except for Y/n of course, can you imagine how boring this chapter would be if they weren't awake?

The minutes felt like forever as Y/n lay in bed on their back, it felt like with every second something was supposed to happen. They could hear the branches smacking the window from outside and wind howling- it was so uncomfortably dark. Y/n wasn't really 'afraid' of the dark, but they surely didn't... like it.

Y/n frowned and swerved their head around to look at the black shape of their bat leaning up against their bed, they stared at it before sighing and looking back up at the ceiling.

Would it hurt to just fall asleep right now? I mean, what were the odds that the guy in the yellow hood would try to break in again and try to murder Y/n?

Well, Y/n frankly wasn't going to take any chances. Their phone had unfortunately died and was now lying beside them, their only source of entertainment to keep them from going mad gone, which sucked.

They sighed then forced themself to sit up, leaning up against their bed frame and rubbing their eyes. Y/n's eyes were incredibly heavy, it was quite literally taking up all of their willpower to not fall asleep at the moment. Seriously, the only thing that was still keeping them up was their paranoia, determination to not die and to beat the shit out of the guy with the yellow hood and pure spite.

Y/n's mind felt fuzzy and they groaned, slouching over lazily. 'Shit' was the perfect word to describe how they felt at the moment.

They abruptly got on the hands and knees and crawled towards the end of their bed, peering over the footboard to look at their booby traps they had put down earlier.

The tub filled with the rainbow glitter lay underneath the window and blocks of foam with the sharpened sticks stabbed into them (with the sharp side facing upwards, duh.) surrounded the tub in a semi-circle, and surrounding the semi-circle of the weaponised blocks of foam lay a semi-circle of Hot-Wheels cars and surrounding the semi-circle of Hot-Wheels surrounding the semi-circle of the weaponised blocks of foam surrounding the tub of rainbow glitter lay a semi-circle of Christmas ornaments. Over-kill, if you'd ask me.

A can of pink spray paint that Y/n had scavenged from the shed as well sat on top of their footboard too and the air horn also sat on top of it too. Y/n carefully avoided knocking over the cans.

They sighed then shifted around to sit up against their wall, every moment was nauseating at this point- and they were dying for something to happen at this point too.

Well, something was about to happen.

Right when Y/n's eyelids began to droop again, there was a sharp, sudden scraping noise at their window that definitely wasn't the branches and their eyes immediately shot back open.

"What the shit" They hissed under their breath and swung their head around to look at the window, they realised they couldn't see anything from the other side because of the newspaper they had stuck onto the glass.

Oh, I'm such a dumbass- what the fuck. They thought and blinked as the scraping noises continued.

Despite not being able to see the outside, it had become clear that someone's hands were obviously creating that noise. Y/n found themself holding their breath as their chest seemed to tighten with fear and horror.

They lunged forwards and quickly yanked their bat, nearly bonking their forehead with it in the process before forcing themself onto their feet and jumping off their bed.

Y/n spun around and took a few steps back, keeping their eyes fixed on the window as the scraping and scratching noises continued. Coincidentally, Y/n's ears started ringing and they tightened their grip on the bat.

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