- VI -

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"OW" The man cried and coughed, Y/n took an apprehensive step back. Something told them that they should run.

"Bye." Y/n waved at him before spinning around and BOLTING- and I mean BOLTING- to their room.

The man yelled something angrily after them, Y/n didn't even have to look behind their shoulder to know he was chasing after them as they did a sharp turn and ran into their room, would it be strange to say that Y/n wasn't really that scared? They were scared of course, but not as scared as they would've actually expected.

Their ears started ringing again as their eyes quickly scanned their room in the darkness and they spotted the shape of their bat and they immediately lunged for it as the heavy footsteps from behind became louder as they drew nearer, once Y/n had grabbed their bat they spun around to see the man in their doorway.

"Come over here and I'll fucking send your ass flying out the atmosphere" Y/n threatened, it was probably the most creative threat they've ever thought of.

The man just hissed and immediately ran towards them, giving a shout and Y/n got ready to swing their bat at him.

Then something... very, very, very odd happened.

Just as Y/n was about to swing their bat at the man's ribs and send him flying into the goddamn sun, the man abruptly screeched and fell back- even though Y/n hadn't hit him yet- then he glitched. Literally GLITCHED as if he was a hologram and NOT a human.

Y/n widened their eyes and they yelped in surprise, sure, they could take nearly getting murdered and getting their home invaded by some dude in a mask and a yellow- now kind of pink thanks to the spray paint- hood just fine but this? Yeah, sorry but no. This was very much impossible because people don't glitch, duh. It's not possible.

But then the man glitched again and gave another pain-filled screech, the bright colours illuminating the room and assaulted Y/n's eyes.

Then, suddenly, the man just- disappeared.

Just like that. Gone.

Y/n blinked at the spot where the man had just been a few seconds before, their brain trying to comprehend what the fuck just happened.

"What the fuck?" Y/n muttered and lowered their bat. It was silent again- but it wasn't a deathly, uncomfortable and suffocating silence- just, silence. The air wasn't tense anymore either. Now it just felt like... a normal night?

Still, everything was not normal, Y/n couldn't understand what they just experienced- people couldn't glitch or just disappear. That was impossible, that only happened in sci-fi movies and stuff.

But it did happen and Y/n couldn't wrap their head around it. Their arms were still sore as they looked around their room, it looked like a literal war zone.

Y/n just stood there, unsure on what to do next. Then, suddenly, they remembered something.

School's tomorrow.

They immediately groaned loudly the moment they remembered that, despair washing over their confusion and they hopped over to their bed and flopped onto it, burying their face into their pillow. "FffuucKKK" Y/n groaned as they rolled onto their back and frowned at the ceiling.

Maybe it was because of how tired they were, but suddenly they didn't care about the man- now they just cared about not-going-to-school.

Y/n grumbled and slipped their hand under their pillow and grabbed their phone, then they also remembered that their phone was dead and they immediately groaned again, rolling back onto their stomach then rolling onto their side.

Well, the most they could do now was go to sleep and deal with all the supernatural shit at school.

//637 words
Sorry if it's short!

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