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Things are so normal. Was the random sentence that came to mind as Y/n stared at the woman.

Y/n frowned. Things are so normal.

They slowly took a step back, having a killer grip on Tammy's wrist so tight that they were probably cutting off her blood circulation or whatever, the author doesn't know science I'm not in highschool yet as her breaths came in and out in high-pitched rasps. Y/n gave her a glance and saw that her eyes were wide and fixated on the weird knife scrapey lady.

The night was sure quiet as they stood there, honestly it was getting a bit awkward. So Y/n decided to take matters into their own hands and turned on their heels, spinning Tammy along with them and causing her to yelp before beginning to run.

Y/n heard the woman give a strange-sounding yell as they booked it, running down the sidewalk as Tammy struggled to keep up, her breathing becoming rapid as Y/n ran like there was no tomorrow, which might become true if their stamina decides to act up now.

"Shitfuckshitshitfuckassdickfuckfuckshitshitfuck-" Y/n muttered under their breath as they felt their eyes widen, adrenaline was coursing through them while they continued to run down the seemingly never ending sidewalk with Tammy, passing streetlights and houses. They didn't dare to look behind them, too keen on getting out of there while Tammy was the opposite, looking behind her while shrieking about things that Y/n was unable to catch due to her frantic tone.

"WHATSGOINGON??" Tammy wailed, clear enough for Y/n to make out the words. They grit their teeth, not responding as they pushed themself to run faster while their legs began to burn with pain, internally screaming at themself to not slow down.

Y/n gave a hiss, then whipped their head around to look behind them "LEAVE US ALONE YOU CREEP!" They yelled, then snapped their mouth shut when they saw that the woman was only like a few metres behind them and turned their head back around.

"Shitshitfuckfuckityshitfuckwhatthebitch" Y/n muttered and tried forcing themself to go faster, but their legs hurt way too much, they had a horrible stitch and their breaths were replaced with wheezes. This is what they get for not participating in the races they did in elementary school.

Then they fell.

You idiot.

Tammy and Y/n seemed to scream in unison, fortunately for Tammy she let go, while Y/n almost fell directly on their face but did a weird manoeuvre which caused them to do a roll over their head and land on their back, saving them from getting a bloody nose. Again.

They made the grave mistake of lying there for a split second, processing what happened as Tammy frantically tried helping them up.

"Y/N Y/N getupgetuP!-" Tammy screamed, in the middle of grabbing their arm and yanking them upwards while Y/n was also in the process of attempting to scramble up onto their feet right before Tammy got full on shoved. She shrieked as she fell back, letting go of Y/n.

Y/n was kind of out of it, everything was happening so fast and the world seemed to be spinning. One moment they were looking at Tammy, then not, and now they were getting pushed back down onto the concrete by some woman who then got on top of them.

Y/n hit their head on the hard pavement and gave a yelp of pain, they clenched their teeth then started to try to writhe away. In response, the woman grabbed their shirt and pulled them up before slamming them back into the ground, causing bolts of pain to shoot along their back.

"OW," They hollered though they couldn't hear themself because the woman was yelling over them as they began to squirm around again, trying to escape as panic and pure fear clouded any clear thoughts.

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