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As a form of payback for kidnapping them, Y/n was now blasting music from their phone as they drove through the city.

"Can you please turn that shit DOWN?" Tim hissed in irritation. Y/n barely hearing his grumble over the music they were playing.

"WHAAT?" Y/n called back in an exaggerated tone. Tammy was laying on the floor splayed out like a starfish as Y/n bopped their head to the beat of [Song you like]. Tim's shoulders heavily rose then fell, signifying a sigh and, luckily for Y/n's sanity, they didn't hear it.

"At least play some good music" He raised his voice so he could be heard over the noise.

Y/n scoffed, throwing their phone into the air and catching it before crossing their legs "I bet your favourite song is fucking, Mozart or something- bet you were there when it first released" They snarked.

"First of all Mozart's an artist, and I'm really not that old" Tim argued back. "You have no manners- what happened to respecting your elders?" He twisted around for a second to frown at them before turning back to look at the road.

"Ok, Dad" Y/n replied mockingly. Frankly, I don't respect my elders when they KIDNAP ME. They sneered in their mind. Tammy rolled on her side, then sat up, getting onto her knees and shuffling closer to the side of the van to look out the window.

Y/n had always kind of liked the look of the city at night. Something about the bright lights, people flooding the sidewalks and towering buildings was just aesthetically pleasing to them. They liked the city lights.

Tim made a turn, then he swerved his head to the side slightly to look at them "We're near," He announced.

They didn't pay too much attention to him, because they were too busy finding one of those bass boosted audios to blast in the van. Even as unfunny the majority of them were they just wanted to cause at least the beginning of Tim's mid life-crisis. Tammy also didn't pay much attention, since she was just solemnly staring out the window.

If Y/n was looking outside the window, which they weren't because they were fixated on Tim's reaction when they played the ear-raking bass boosted audios since they were feeding off his misery at the moment, they would've noticed the tall towers and such start to lower in numbers as they supposedly approached their destination, the streets appeared to become more dim as the only lights that seemed to illuminating the place were the occasionally flickering street lights. Tammy had taken note of this.

Tammy was most likely wondering how she had gotten into this situation. She also was probably wondering if things could go back to normal after this, that is, if they didn't die. But we'll never know for certain what she's wondering, because we aren't in her point of view.

Tim then did a turn, catching Y/n's attention and before they knew it, the van had halted- the vibrating noise of the engine stopping. He cracked one of his fingers then turned around to look at the two "We're here." He spoke dryly before twisting back around and opening his door, hopping out.

Y/n got the urge to try to quickly scramble out through the open door, but before they could the sliding door abruptly glided open. Tim took a few steps back, then beckoned them to come out when they both didn't move and just stared at him.

Y/n frowned. Why did this seem so... lack of a better word- informal? They gripped the strap of their bag before shuffling closer to the edge and jumping out, later followed by Tammy as their shoes clicked against the tarmac. Once they were out, Tim walked forwards and closed the doors while Y/n took this moment to figure out their surroundings.

They were in the parking lot of a motel. Y/n blinked. It was a bit run-down and scruffy looking, the walls were made out of what they assumed was pale yellow concrete. They looked around to see there weren't a lot of other cars parked, and there also weren't many vehicles that zoomed past them on the road. It was quiet.

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