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JUMPSCARE GUYS IM UPDATING HEEHEHEAHAH 😜😜sorry you get a bad chapter...//

You better get the reference in the title. Anyways

Y/n woke up the next morning to find out that they had rolled off the bed, (and had taken the blanket that they and Tammy had to share with them, leaving Tammy blanketless. ASSHOLE) once they had the strength to peel themself off the floor, they stumbled over to Tim and shook him with the force of an earthquake to wake him up. Just for the sake of being annoying.

Frankly, Y/n didn't really know what to expect of the day. Everything felt strange. But at least this was another day off school, right? Y/n tried to bug Tim for more information about where they were going and if they were getting breakfast, but the only thing they managed to get him to cough up was that; "They were going somewhere to get stuff."

Once Tammy had woken up, Tim then decided that was the time to go. And so, they put their shoes on, grabbed their bags and walked out of the run-down motel to hop into the magic van.

—————————————TIMESKIP :3

And so they were. Sitting in the back of the van while Tim drove.

"Hey Tim," Y/n spoke up at one point. "Can we get a charger?"

The van slowed down at a yellow light and Y/n saw Tim slowly turn his head a bit to look back at them, they could see his brows furrow. "Charger?"

"Yah, because I think I left mine at school. And I really need my phone." They tapped at their phone which was resting on top of their other hand. Last time they checked, their phone at been at like nineteen percent.

Tim didn't answer for a moment. "......No." He said simply. The light had turned green at this point and he began to drive again.

Y/n frowned. "Why not?" They huffed.

"Because that's stupid, and I'm not wasting money on a charger"

"But I need my phone" Y/n tried to argue.

"Tough luck kid," He replied irritably. "You can live without your.. goddamnphone, not like there's gonna be any place to charge it anyways"

"There's outlets in the motel" Y/n hissed, folding their arms and slumping down a little.

"We're probably not going to stay in the motel anymore!" Tim snapped "I'm not going to waste time and money getting a fucking charger"

Y/n scoffed and rolled their eyes. "You could get a battery bank? Those are like, portable chargers." Tammy suggested.

"No means no, now sshush" He hissed. The van fell silent once again and Y/n turned their head to the side with a small scowl on their face.

"Asshole.." They muttered. "We could just steal one."

"I prefer only committing crimes when is necessary."

"This is necessary, dickwad" Y/n snarked. Tim sighed then muttered something that they didn't catch, and once Y/n realised that he wasn't going to argue with them anymore they slumped further down and huffed indignantly again.

I wonder if we're gonna have a lot of fights. Y/n frowned. The answer was probably 'likely', since Tim was a stern, grumpy thirty-four year old man and Y/n was an immature, snarky internet-leeching teenager, it seemed like they were designed to snap witty remarks at each other and disagree on everything and anything. What a shame.

Y/n's eyes began to wander, resorting to observing their surroundings. Tammy and them both had their bags sitting next to them— Tim on the other hand had brought a black duffel bag. It sat behind the drivers seat, doing promptly nothing like a good inanimate object. Y/n tilted their head at it as they blinked. It was odd how intriguing objects had become recently.

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