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Somehow, Y/n managed to not tell anyone about what happened.

They were still trying to figure out if it was a dream or not, what were the odds that they fell asleep while playing on their phone and dreamt about something they saw on social media? That must be right. Right?

It was Saturday now, Y/n was uneasily sitting in their room with the baseball bat next to them. Y/n's family was, pretty reasonably, a little concerned that they had a bat in their room but that didn't matter. They were scrolling on their phone again, eyeing their window occasionally.  
Yeah, I dare you to climb through that window again, They said in their head. Y/n wasn't really in the mood for dying today. They promised themself that they would tell someone if the man appeared again, but then they quickly shoved that promise away because they knew that they probably wouldn't. Because have you seen the movies? No one calls the police when a spooky serial killer comes into their house.

Y/n'a skin prickled again and they scratched their arm, they kept on telling themself that the man probably wouldn't try and break into their house in daylight. But they couldn't shrug off the feeling that something was supposed to happen.

They tapped their wall with their other hand while the other held their phone and browsed through the media, feeling more or less entertained. Their eyes felt a little heavy as their finger swiped through endless photos and videos and whatanot.

While scrolling though, Y/n's eyes briefly looked away from the screen and that's when they spotted something on the floor. They stopped and lowered their phone, blinking at it.
It was, apparently, a very messy piece of paper on the floor with charcoal smudges on it. The paper was lying not very far away from Y/n's desk.

Out of curiosity, Y/n put their phone down and took their bat and slowly walked towards it.

The piece of paper lay there peacefully, not exploding or spitting out a demon which probably meant it was safe to touch.

They squatted down and picked it up to see that it was on it's back. Y/n blinked before turning it around to see big words written in charcoal on the paper, the words said in jagged, messy writing; IT AW AITS FORYOU.

Y/n could just barely make out the words, the words were all smudged and criminally messy.

They frowned at it. That's reassuring. Y/n thought gloomily. There were other things on this side of the paper too, like scribbles and weird looking things that Y/n assumed were eyes.

"Well then," Y/n said aloud and stood up, staring at the paper some more before looking at the table and grabbing one of their lead pencils, getting an idea.

They flipped the piece of paper on it's back and began writing. In fact, they wrote; Leave me alone, I will call the police. Also btw fix your handwriting LOL LOSER in nice, neat words.

They put the pencil down and picked up the piece of paper again before picking a few pieces off the blob of blu-tack that sat on their desk and bounding over to their window and began
sticking the piece of paper onto it with the bits of blu-tack, with the IT AW AITS FORYOU. side facing the room. Y/n hoped that their family wouldn't see it because that would be concerning.

"Ya-ha!" Y/n said as they backed off the window when they were done. Folding their arms and staring at their handy work before another idea struck them.

Booby traps.- Haha boob.


Place traps.



Y/n clapped their hands once then darted out their room, swinging the door open and sprinting down the stairs, practically soaring off them as their mind whirled around like a smoothie-in-the-making in a blender.

I could be like that kid in Home Alone, Y/n's thoughts sang gleefully as they scrambled out the door leading to their backyard and ran towards the shed. They opened the shed's door, breathing heavily as they entered the dusty shack, looking around. Yeah, yeah, your about to get fucked, guy in the yellow hood. They added in their head.

"Okay, okay..." Y/n muttered and they grabbed some string, looking around before grabbing a basket, the pieces slowly coming together in their head as they planned out what would happen. Y/n grabbed a container filled with nails and continued looking around before eventually leaving the shed, new exciting ideas flooding into their head.

This time, Y/n went to their yard, grabbing some sticks off the grass. If this was before, Y/n probably would've shrugged off the whole guy in the hood breaking in thing but now, now that really wasn't possible.


Y/n had lots of things, including some toy cars, some Christmas ornaments they had found in the attic, newspaper and other little-kid toys. They decided to base whatever their trap was going to be off some things they had seen in movies. A/N: Cough cough, Home alone, cough cough.

Y/n gritted their teeth as they carefully sharpened the sticks with some kiddy scissors, slowly turning them into sort-of-spikes.

"Get it me," Y/n mumbled. They had slapped some newspaper over the window and the piece of paper already on it, blocking out most of the sunlight and the view of the outside world. They had also closed their curtains, double homicide.

Their [guardian(s)] had found out about it and, like normal people of course, asked Y/n why. Y/n replied with 'I'm making something' which convinced them more or less.

Y/n figured that they could keep their room like this for a few days until the hooded guy showed up. They had dropped a few of the previous ideas, slowly regaining their sanity and their ability to think straight.

Y/n put the stick down and moved onto the basket, pulling it closer to them and grabbing the big container filled with rainbow glitter that they had yanked from the attic too. They tipped the glitter into the basket, the colours glimmering in the light of the lamp on Y/n's table. Y/n put the now empty glitter container down then took the air horn they had scavenged from, surprise surprise, the attic.

After half an hour later, they were finished. Y/n got up and brushed some glitter off their hands onto their shorts and looked at their new handy work that surrounded the window. Before they could 'Hah!' In triumph, there was a soft knock at the door.

"Y/n? Wanna help make dinner?" Came the soft, familiar voice.

"Nope, nope no thanks" Y/n turned around.

"What are you doing in there?"

"Ho- a project, yeah, yeah"

"Oh, um, okay. Just letting you know... dinner's uh..." the voice trailed off along with the faint sound of footsteps fading away.

Y/n sighed and grumbled a bit to themself before bounding over to their bed and leaping on it, groaning. They looked at their palms, Y/n realised how much they actually hurt- their fingers ached and their palms were sore, ripples of pain spread across their hands and they winced.

"Ouch," They muttered right before a familiar, wet feeling appeared in their nose.

Y/n blinked, sitting up as they lifted their hand towards their face and instinctively wiped their nose, they look down to see the cherry red liquid smudged on their hand. Now, a nosebleed usually wouldn't of felt this unsettling but Y/n also suddenly felt a sense of paranoia to go along with the nosebleeds, the feeling of a million eyes watching them.

They shuddered as they felt their shoulders tense. What the hell? Y/n thought as they wiped their nose again and looked behind them. To their great relief, no one- or nothing- was there and they felt the uneasiness gradually wear off.

A: I'm gonna end the chapter here because I'm lazy 💀

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