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Y/n had never been more happy to see a van in their entire life.

"FINALLY" They immediately cheered as they staggered out of the tree line, and almost immediately fell over face-first.

The initial burst of pain appeared in their nose as they hit the ground, but they really didn't mind. The grass was cold and soft.

The three had been walking for god knows how long. Tim was indeed pretty lost which Y/n took delight in berating him for.

"Alright, get up." Tim grumbled as he peeled Y/n off the floor by their arm, pulling them onto their feet before releasing them, walking towards the van followed by Tammy.

"Woo, we made it back!" Y/n whooped again, hurrying after Tammy and Tim.
They reached the van and Tim opened the sliding door, beckoning for them to get in.

Tim muttered something to himself as Tammy hopped into the van. "I'm hungry," she sighed, backing up against the 'wall' of the vehicle then turning her head to Tim. "Can we get something to eat?"

"Sure." He replied dryly then reached into his pocket, frowning before he pulled his hand out to reveal the USB he had yoinked earlier, to this he sighed in relief and Y/n blinked.

"So... what exactly is on the USB?" Y/n asked.

"Information that's gonna help us."

To this Y/n felt a small twinge of irritation. They got that a lot talking to him. "...like what?"

Tim opened the door of the drivers seat, a frown still plastered onto his face. "Information," he said slowly. For a moment they thought he was just going to stop at 'information' which wouldn't be too out of character "That will help us... prevent you from getting killed by all those mentally ill people and monsters that currently trying to hunt you down like it's for sport, like I said"

They slowly blinked at him. Well shit. They thought before another question popped into their head.

"But why are they trying to kill me?" Y/n hissed out.

Tim only sighed, he seemed to be getting annoyed already as he dragged his hand down to his face. "Uuuaghhhegh... it's- all about that thing I told you about, they want to either bring you to it or they want you for their own reasons."

They blinked at him. Well shit. They thought before another question popped into their head.

"But why are you so set on 'keeping me safe'?" They felt their eyebrows furrow as the question was said. "How should I know that you're not one of those- people- that wanna kill me?"

Tim slowly turned his head toward them. He was staring at them as if they just asked the most deranged and insane question known to man, a sort of disbelief. Then he scoffed, "What?"

"How do I know that you're not planning to kill me or whatever?" Y/n repeated, they felt themself getting a tad bit more hysterical. They looked around, as they did they caught a glimpse of Tammy's face- her expression was unreadable- before turning back to Tim "Like- why should we trust you?" They threw their arms out.

"Y/n, I can't-" He dragged his hands down his face again "I can't do this today-"

"Nah, why should we trust you?? Like SERIOUSLY-" Y/n demanded and whipped their head back around to look at Tammy, who blinked uncomfortably then also looked at Tim.

"He is... kind of suspicious." She said and he groaned. "He just shows up and somehow he knows everything liikkeee..."

Y/n nodded and turned to Tim."And he's extremely bad at giving straight-forward answers. And who even are you?" They huffed "How do you know so much about all these crazy ass fuckers yet you're not apart of them?"

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