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The lunch bell rang and Y/n immediately sprang out of their seat, biting back a cheer as the other freshmen also got up and began flooding towards the door, chatter rising up among the students. The teacher yelled something- probably about homework but Y/n frankly didn't care. They turned around to see Tammy also getting out of her seat and grabbing her bags.

Y/n frowned, uneasiness prickled at the back of their neck. They really, really wanted to tell someone about what happened with the guy-who-tried-to-kill them. It was practically torture trying to keep it in- usually it was pretty easy for Y/n to keep quiet about something but apparently this was an exception, according to their wonderful brain and instincts.

"Hey, Tammy" Y/n said and she looked up, blinking as she slung her bag over her shoulder and plucked something out of her frizzy, flame-coloured hair.

"Yeah?" Tammy tilted her head as Y/n grabbed their bag and began to walk towards the door, zipping open their bag as they did and reaching in to pull out their phone while Tammy quickly followed, quickening her pace to keep up.

Y/n clicked their tongue as they walked out of the classroom with Tammy and into the hallway. What were they supposed to say? 'Oh hey Tammy, how are you doing, did you know that some dude in a black ski-mask broke into my house last night then literally disappeared'?

Tammy blinked at Y/n as they walked together "What?" She asked and Y/n looked at her.

"I'm trying to figure out how I'm supposed to tell you the really disturbing thing I wanna tell you" Y/n deadpanned simply and Tammy wrinkled her nose.

"Why don't you just tell me?" She replied and Y/n rolled their eyes.

"Tammy stop acting like a ranga, I literally just said why I'm-not-telling-you-what-I-want-to-tell-you"

"Y/n, what on Earth is a ranga" Tammy furrowed her brows and Y/n snorted. "What is it?"

Y/n sighed heavily "Someone broke into my room last night- and last last night" they suddenly found themself blurting out.

Tammy immediately widened her eyes "Really?" She gasped in surprise and Y/n nodded, biting back a snarky retort. Tammy was awesome and Y/n probably considered her their best friend but sometimes she could just be really...dumb. "Ohmygod, did you call the police? What happened? Did you tell your [guardian(s]?"

"I didn't call the police, because no one does that anymore and I handled it perfectly by myself because I beat the shit out of him, and I didn't tell my [guardian(s)] either because no one does that anymore either" Y/n replied.

"Well what happened?" Tammy inquired, her lip trembling. "Also that was very stupid of you!" She cried "What if you died? Did he have a weapon?"

"Well guess what, I didn't die- and he had a pole the first night, no idea how he got it- Ok, OK- Tammy, I'll tell you at the cafeteria alright?" Y/n waved their hand and Tammy frowned but nodded.

"Alright," She said, her voice somewhat solemn.


"You sprayed him with spray paint?" Tammy widened her eyes as Y/n poked at the unappealing food on their lunch tray.

"Pink spray paint," Y/n added and Tammy gasped.

"Y/n, this is... Jesus Christ" Tammy muttered and twirled a strand of her curly hair with her finger "We gotta tell someone!" She said anxiously.

"Uh, and exactly what will they do about it?" Y/n frowned at her "Sure, they'll maybe-probably believe that some dude broke into my room- since I didn't clean it and it's still really messy from last night- but they won't believe the part where he 'glitched' and disappeared" They said and did air quotation marks.

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