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Unedited chapter

The van reeked of rotting flesh.

Y/n felt their nose scrunch up from the smell as they suppressed the urge to gag, as much as they really wanted to. The vehicle rocked slightly every now and then while 'Jack' lay there, unmoving.

Y/n stared at him while Tim drove in silence, they weren't quite sure why he hadn't at least rolled down a window so they wouldn't have to deal with the stench.

Then, the car apparently ran over something, causing Y/n to jump- and awaking Jack from his slumber.

He instantly jolted up into a sitting position and Tammy shrieked in surprise, Y/n just blinked and instinctively pressed themself against the back of van. He thrashed himself around, muffled hissing coming from his mouth.

"Uh, Tim?" Y/n called. "He's awake."

"Great." He replied dryly from the drivers seat. Y/n frowned as Jack continued to twist and turn, trying to break free from his restraints while the gauze wrapped around his mouth blocked out any of the sounds he was trying to make. He honestly looked real pathetic, like some sort of feral possum.

Y/n tried warily shuffling closer to Jack. As they slowly drew near he finally stopped whipping his head around to practically snap his neck to face their direction, hissing loudly even from underneath the makeshift muzzle. "When are we gonna do some interrogation...ing?" They asked.

"Now." Tim said, and the van came to a sudden halt, causing Jack to attempt to screech again. Tim hopped out, leaving them staring at Jack for a brief few seconds before the sliding door was pushed open. Tim clambered in and yanked Jack up, pulling the gag down and quickly jumping back when Jack snapped his teeth at him the moment he was free.

Jack growled, attempting to kick his legs (to no avail) as he made a grinding noise with his mouth. Tim's mainly apathetic face had a faint look of dispassionate contempt, blinking at Jack. "I need to smoke." He muttered, then simply walked away. "Ask him questions"

Y/n peered at Jack. If they reached out to him they probably would loose a finger, I mean- maybe reaching out with your pinky would be fine, thats a pretty unimportant finger compared to your index, or thumb. The pinky is kind of just there, small and uninteresting. (Like yourself)

Y/n shuffled an itty bit more closer to Jack, still hissing and grinding his teeth like gears churning. "Errr, heyy... dude.. Jack?" Y/n began slowly "How you doin'...?"

Interrogations are difficult when you're not an action movie detective, and instead you're in a van trying to talk to someone who might have the mental capacity of a rabid raccoon. "So uh," Y/n spoke again. "Nice teeth you have there."

Apparently Jack was so shocked of their shitty interrogation skills that he stopped hissing and just sat there, blinking the black holes he had for eyes at them. There was a brief small silence. "...What do you want?" Y/n tried, that seemed to be a better question to ask.

And it seemed like it was, because Jack lowered his head a little, baring his teeth and hissing- and Y/n realised that he was trying to articulate actual words, actually- word.

"sshshghhhh...Y/..n..ssssgggahhwRGG" Jack's voice quickly descended into a gargling growl, but Y/n caught what he said. Their name.

Well flip my flipjacks I guess. Awesome. "Why?" They questioned after a pause.

Jack continued to growl, thrusting his head- possibly in frustration in his inability to speak before he suddenly threw himself forward. Y/n yelped in alarm at the sudden movement, jumping back as Jack angrily rolled around, then stopping and lifting his head up, blinking in their direction and opening his mouth. "Hhhh...sshshhhhhhgw.........hhhh...hhhhgghrhhung..RY..." He finally managed to spit out before face planting on the floor, emitting pathetic noises which sounded similar to a mixture of a dog's whimpering and a snake's hiss.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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