chapter 1 (real laughter)

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I will be writing these chapters in y/n's point of view, sometimes ray and maybe even in the 3 rd person view for better understanding.

I woke up in sweats and breathing heavily." That dream again" I mumbled to myself, it was 2:15 in the morning. I looked to my left and saw Emma sleeping peacefully. I smiled at her sleeping figure, and got my book that I was reading before falling asleep.after some hours passed, I got up from bed, closed my book and walked to my left.

"ginger time to wake up" i said while shaking the 11 year old ginger head
"5 more....minutes.." Emma says in middle of snoring
" It's already 5:40 in the morning." i said while trying to take the blanket out of the ginger.
No answer was heard...
I sighed " if you wake up in 5 seconds I will play tag seriously today" I said while still trying to get the ginger out of the bed. I saw a head pop up out of the blanket
"Promise" I said and gave her a nod
"YAAYYYYYYYYYY" she screamed in joy.
'how does she have soo much energy at the beginning of the morning?' I thought and gave her a small smile.
She got ready.

The clock hit 6 And right on time we heard the ringing of a bell.
" RISE AND SHINE EVERYONE!! BREAK FAST IS CALLING " Emma called out to everyone who were still sleeping.

All the kids woke up and started running around.
"Quit goofing around and get dressed" Gilda shouted at the two boys who bummed in to her and ran away.
"Emma I can't put my shoes on"
"Emma I can't untie my stupid shoe laces"
"Emma can you help me get dressed"
"Emma I can't find my socks"
The kids started to cry

"Y/n can you help me get them ready please" she asked with those puppy eyes
the kids also looked at me with puppy eyes
' DAMNIT NOT THE PUPPY EYES...' I started screaming on the inside. " Sure. I got it covered" I gave them a thumbs up and a smile
I helped the kids one by one and I saw Emma pick up Phil and started running with the other kids behind her. I got up from the floor after helping a boy and went after her and saw Conny and don on the way. Emma greeted them and started running again.
"Good morning don, good morning Conny you too little bernie bunny " I greeted them
"Good morning y/n"
"Good morning y/n" don and Conny greeted me

I walked to the dinning room and saw two trouble makers sneaking behind Emma and they bumped into her. She was about to fall but I saved her, I pulled her waist to make her stand straight.
She covered her face with her palm and said " you guys have done it now.." with a terrifying voice and looked at them with a wide grin on her face. I saw them sweat drop and the ran behind me, making me defensive wall to cover them from Emma
" I AM GONNA EAT YOU...AHHAHAHAHAH..." she said and ran behind me and got them
" Help us y/n the great knight!!" they both said dramatically to me. I couldn't help but laugh out loud.
"Wow... you should laugh more y/n" they all looked at me.
" What ever" I said and got my boring face again
"Good morning Norman.. I didn't know you were here" I looked at him. He was carrying a big pot so I helped him.

" Good morning to you too y/n" he said with his usual smile
*Cough* *cough* "I am here to you know?" Ray said in an annoyed voice
" Did you hear something Norman?" I asked while looking around
" Nope" Norman said while holding in his laughter after seeing the annoyed face of ray
" I Must be hallucinating or it might be just the bugs" I said. Norman Burst out laughing.
"Tch"ray looked away and carryed the thing in his hand to the table
" Gweod mhworning Norman, ray " Emma greeted them while Phil played with her mouth

"Good morning Emma" they both said back to her
" Someone's full of energy this morning... And you haven't even had breakfast yet" Norman said while putting the plates on table.
" What are you five?" Ray said in a teasing sound

" IAM 11 JUST LIKE YOU THREEEE!!"Emma shouted and went to mama's embrace

"MAMA... I will do it again like a grown up.."Emma said
" Why would you I love that side of you" mama said while patting Emma's head
"THE FIVE YEAR SIDE OF ME?" she whined
" No the side of you that's considerate and mindful of everyone in the family" mama said in a reassuring way.

"Thanks... STOP LAUGHING AT ME Y/N" She shouted at me from the other side. I was leaning my one hand on the wall, one hand on my stomach and looking at the wall to stop my laugher. " S..sorry..." I said in the middle of my laugher

We all sat around the table, I was sitting on the right side of Norman. Ray was sitting infront of me and Emma was sitting in front of Norman.
Mama rang the bell" let's dig in"
Everyone started eating.

' no matter how you look at this,it would look just like an ordinary one would question it. The plush beds, foods that tastes gourmet,our snow white uniform.. everything looks ordinary except for the identification number on our neck...' my thoughts were cut of when I couldn't see my coffee cup. I looked infront of me and saw ray with two cups.
" RAYY!!"
"what?" He asked like he didn't know anything
"MY COFFEE RAY.. YOUR DRINKING MY life ,I can't live.... without it" I said while putting my hand to my chest.

" Stop being dramatic, it's not my fault you kept your cup near mine ,it's just a coffee anyways" he said
"FINE" I took his coffee " I guess I will just take yours...ewwww it's too bitter" I said after taking a sip of it and put my tongue out.
" If you don't like it then don't drink it!" Ray said
"That's enough you two.. stop bickering" mama said while pointing her finger to both of us
"B..but... Mama... He took my coffee.... My life.... He drank it..." I said in dramatic way while whipping fake tears from the corner of my eyes.mama giggled at my behavior.

" Here you can have mine y/n" Norman offered his cup to me. I took it from his hand took a sip.

" This has the right amount of sugar... THANKS NORMAN, YOU ARE A LIFE SAVER!!" I said while putting my hand over my mouth.ray gave a glare to Norman, and then continued to drink MY COFFEE again.
We finished our food and went to take our tests.


How is the story? Want me to continue..
English is my 2nd language so there might be some spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes..and Its my first story..
Hope to see you in the next chapter :)

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