chapter 4 (Another enemy)

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I was reading a book that ray recommended to me on top of a tree, it was peaceful and no one would ever provoke me.i saw Norman and Emma going into the forest

'Suspicious.. hmmmmm....I should leave them be...'i thought to myself....but then I caught a glance of ray following them to the forest.RAY, THE PERSON WHO ALWAYS PREFER TO SIT UNDER A TREE AND READ BOOKS THAN PLAY TAG..

' hmmmm.. extra suspicious... I change my mind, iam following them !!' I jumped off of the tree ,closed my book and ran behind ray. I made sure not to make any sounds.i was good to keep my food steps sound, since I trained a long ago.
Finally ray came to a stop. I was right behind the tree behind him.
' I definitely do not look like stalker right now...' I thoughtto myself and heard Emma..

"With this we can get over the wall."I heard Emma say while fixing some white clothes into a long rope.she then jumped down from the tree.

"Now we need to find where the tracking devices are,and a way to get everyone out." Norman said while thinking of a way.

"Hey ,Norman." Emma started" I think it might b fine if we tell ray and y/n. But first let's tell ray."
" I was thinking the same... Ray won't freak out and change his attitude.he is also good knowledge about machines. Let's tell y/n after our plans, there is a chance she could be working with-" Norman was cut of by Emma

"NOO NORMAN.y/n wouldn't do that!!" Emman said with a pissed voice.
' owch that really hurt.... But I am glad Emma doesn't suspect me' I thought to myself.
"Alright i am sorry...but.." Norman began
"I'll talk to ray myself." He said and pressed his hand to his chest.

'so that's what he's thinking... Emma's plan on getting everyone out is nearly impossible, no wonder Norman would want to confront ray in private...' I looked at the Raven but he wasn't there anymore.
"Why don't we go back and-"
"Why?" ray asked , stepping out of his hiding spot.

"RAY!" emma jumped out of surprise

"Yo.." ray greeted" sorry I followed you guys.its been bugging me for a while, so I thought I should ask about it." Ray said while walking over to the two, and put his hand around their necks.

"So what happened at the gate that night? When you went to give bunny to Conny, you said you didn't get there in time, both of you were clearly acting weird" ray questioned them" and you were empty handed when you both came back."

" Your perceptive" Norman smiled and looked away. I got a little closer to them cuz I couldn't hear them properly.

"Of course something happened. Give it up" ray said while practically holding them hostage.

"Ray is smart too, after all" Emma said and got out of rays grip, and freed herself

'well of course...he is the one that planned all of this..' I scoffed,a bit annoyed they won't be telling me.norman and Emma explained the whole secret that surrounded the house. Ray kept his straight face.

" Demons?.. a is an enemy?" Ray asked.
' wow!! His acting is a 10/10' I thought to myself impressed with his acting.

"He catches on fast!!" Emma flinched.

" So you're saying we were taken care of to become demon food?" Ray ran his hand over his tattoo on his neck.

"I mean...iam surprised You're believing us so fast" Emma mumbled.

" Of course, Norman wouldn't make up such a stupid lie.its different with you Emma" ray laughed. Emma sat there pouting.

"If we're really going to escape, there are various issues...what about y/n?does she know about this?if she doesn't we should tell her." Ray questioned the two. Their face slightly fell. I started to pay attention even more.

"We will tell her later, not yet" Emma sighed and looked over to Norman.

"Yeah.. I know y/n is smart,and she would be a great help in our plan. But... She is to close to mama" Norman began" and if we told her, mama might notice her difference in her behavior and might suspect something"Norman finished with a slight smile

' jokes on you, I already knew about all this before you guys' I thought with a smile

"That's why you're planning on telling her at the last second, and taking her with us no matter what huh?" Ray asked his assumption and the two agreed.

" Less work for me I guess" my smile grow even more. I was a bit annoyed at first that they weren't telling me about what they saw, but now I am happy they were thinking about me. I returned to the house satisfied with their plans.

I saw mama playing with the kids and joined them.
" Y/n dear can you take my bell from inside ?" She asked with a smile when she saw me walking to them
"Of course mama" I returned the smile and went inside. I took the bell and ran back to her and gave it to her.she gave me pat on my head and turned around.
Isabella then rung the bell, calling all the children inside.

*After you left*Rays pov*

"It's like making a boat out of mud! The plan won't succeed." I said angrily and firmly gripped Norman's shirt

Norman only smiled happily."but I want to make a boat out of mud'' norman then took a few steps closer to me '' you know... if you bake the mud you can even get the boat to float.''
''but why?'' i hissed ''why? are different cool-headed, analyistical-''

''because i like her. i like emma, i care about her and aways want to see her smile'' norman said with a smile, i released him.

"And I know for a fact you are feeling the same way towards y/n" Norman chuckled.

"But what if Emma dies?what if y/n die, huh? " I asked gritted and teeth, Norman was reading me like an open book which only made me even more pissed

"Oh, emma won't die, I will make sure of it" Norman said with a dark expression." And you know I always manage to accomplish what I want. And as for y/n....I am sure you won't let a hair fall of her head,am I right?"

He was absolutely right." You are foolish" i scoffed internally

"Oh you mean me and Emma? I am pretty sure you are not counting y/n in this." Norman grinned and leaned forward." Maybe we all have lost it"
"  you won't let us do this alone right? If you do she might get hurt and you don't want that right? what do you say?" he asked me while offering a hand .

"Of course I will help" Damn it!


*Back to y/n*

Everyone gathered inside. There in the center of the room stood a tall lady, dressed in the same uniform as Isabella. chocolate brown eyes and skin, slightly poofy hair, She was pretty.

There was also a little baby in Isabella's arms. She had orange hair with an adorable blue eyes. The kid was wrapped In a white blanket.
'She definitely looks like Emma and Norman's kid...., yup I ship them!!.*cough*' I thought to myself

" Let me introduce her" Isabella started" this is Carole, your newest sibling. And this is sister krone. She is here to help me"

Sister krone smiled and a lots of the kids giggled and some gasped.

"I will be living here with you all starting today. Nice to meet you all!!" Sister krone smiled. And the little kids greeted and introduced themselves to sister krone.they were all happy.

I looked at mama and she had a satisfied look on her face, as if she has proven someone wrong.i looked to the side and saw Emma and Norman a bit worried and terrified look on their faces, as if they were proven wrong about everything.' this should be interesting...' I thought to myself and looked back at the new guests.

all four of us though at the same time

'Another enemy.. '

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