Chapter 7 ( tag with krone )

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Continuation of ch 5

"COME PLAY TAG WITH US" lannion came running and held my left hand, Thoma held my right hand. " You won't run away today y/n,your coming with us!!" Thoma and lannion draged me from my comfortable seat.
"But I don't wa-"

"NOPE YOUR COMING WITH US!! EMMA SPECIALY TOLD US TO DRAG YOU WITH US!!" they both cut me off and signaled don and Gilda.

"Bye sister krone, let's play again later!" Y/n said while getting dragged by the two kids, don and Gilda were following them to.

*Emma pov*

"Emma!! We caught her!!" Lannion said while dragging y/n to us. I heard a chuckle from behind to see ray with his cold face.' must have been my imagination...' I looked back at y/n and smiled then turned to the other kids.

"Ok guys! We are playing tag!" I announced ,earning cheering from the kids.

"But I don't wanna playyy!" Y/n whined and sat next to ray." Oh! Look Emma, ray is bored reading his book on his own! I am gonna annoy this poor soul and lift his READY... SET...."

"Wait that isn't a good excus-"

"GO." y/n snapped her fingers, cutting me off. All the kids ran off into the forest.

*5 min later Ray pov*

Norman went to the forest to look for the kids. Now it was only me and y/n. She rubbed her eyes and yawned like a baby... Mine..

"Are you ok?" I asked with a serious expression.y/n looked a little shocked

"Yup! I-"

"How much hours did you sleep?"I asked concerned, cutting her off. She avoided my eyes.


"Y/n! When was the last day you slept?!" I closed my book thinking of all the times I saw her wake at the library where I also stays up at sometimes but she would always be there.


"Answer!!" I cupped her face so she would look me straight in the eyes.

"3 days ago...or was it 1 week?..." y/n finally answered as my eyes widened. Idiot.. My idiot

"ARE YOU- you dumbass! you should take care of yourself!" I was fustrated.

"You know.. if we stay like this ,others might misunrstand... I might even do something..." Y/n mumbled, avoiding my eyes.

I let go of her and stumbled back,'i didn't realize how close I got...ahhh' I was blushing 50 shades of red' I hope y/n doesn't see this...' I looked at her and....

she was blushing?

Y/n pov*

' ERROR!!! CANT FIND FUNCTIONING BRAIN CELLSS!!system has stopped working.. Your own your own girl~ huyyetrvytrty.......'I was blushing...oh how I hope ray doesn't look at me.

Lots of kids started coming out of the forest

'thank god..' I thought to myself and went to the kids, avoiding ray. And the game was over after some min, Norman found everyone.

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