chapter 13 (farewell, ray..)

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Y/n walked back to her room after room, and locked the door. She took out a small box from her pocket. Pressed a small button and a small device came out. She took it and kept it near her ears. She bit her lower lips, attempting to stop how her body was shaking.

Y/n shook her head multiple times. 'Come on. On it. On it. ' she pressed the button on the small ear piece like device. She could hear voice... The same ones she heard when she was in the lab.

Y/n looked out the window with a blank face. After what felt like an eternity, only a few words caught her off guard. One that made her want to bang her head on the wall.

" he will be send to lambda. "

Y/n turned off the device and shoved it back to her pocket.

She fell to the ground tears coming out of her eyes.

' fuck... Why.... Why there of all places?... '

Flashbacks came to her of her siblings dead all around her. Her brothers bitter sweet smile. She took a deep breath and went back to the testing table.

" age 11. Type 3. Answer each...."

' I will let them out of this hell hole.. '

It was like any other morning, except that norman was shipped out of this house to a lab.y/n finished her tests and looked at the door from the footsteps closing in. She waited for the front door to open.

Isabella opened the door and bought her breakfast.

"Good morning y/n! " Isabella closed the door and walked in to put the tray on the table.

" mama. I would like to make a request." Y/n looked at the woman with dead eyes.

" not even a greeting?" Isabella sighed. " what is the request? And why would I do it? "

" isn't it a rule where a premium child that is going to get shipped out stay locked up and take a total of 45 tests? But if the child complete more than what they are supposed to, wouldn't it be just lovely for them to get at least some wish granted? " y/n smiled innocently as Isabella looked at her shocked.

" how did you know about the rules?! " Isabella went closer to the girl, but the girl didn't even flinch.

" let's just say I heard it from a little bird who is now dead. " y/n gave Isabella a closed eyes smile. " here take a look at this, aren't you proud mama?" She showed her test board.

'67 tests: score, full correct ' the bored showed

" you did all this with a single day? "Mama sighed and smiled. " now what is your requests? "

' thank you sister krone for this information... Even if I got it out of you the hard way by manipulating...thank youu' y/n thought

"First." Y/n pointed her finger. "Let's me go out today instead of a day before my shipment date. I would like to spend it with my siblings. "

" And my last... " y/n lifted up her third finger. " please ship me out tomorrow. "

Isabella was shocked that the girl used a request to fasten her own death day. Isabella was creeped out by the fact y/n was smiling when she said it. She even though that y/n lost her mind after norman ,her best friend's shipment yesterday.

* Isabella's flashback*


Isabella sighed, she was tired from taking care of y/n without any sleep. She stood up from her desk and put the documents back in the drawer.

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