chapter 20 ( lost her once again...) ending!!

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*back to Isabella*

Did you find them? " a voice asked from the device Isabella was holding.

" No keep looking!"

" The children haven't appeared at the bridge yet?" Isabella asked.

" No, not yet. Leave no stone unturned, find them!" The voice yelled from the other side.

"Could they be...." Isabella mumbled to herself. She quickly stood up and ran leaving the device behind.

"Just 6 more!"don yelled from the other side.

"Emma, what should I do?" Jemima asked shaking. "My hand..... Iam sorry! When I think about the cliff below. I start thinking....what if I fall?"

" Fall?..." Thoma and lannion both looked over the edge and the color drained from their face as they began shaking.

Y/n snapped out of her thoughts and walked over to Jemima. She picked the little girl and gave her to ray. The others watched confused. Ray finally understood the meaning

" It's okay Jemima, let's cross over together." He smiled reassuringly.

" Ginger, you still have that rope we used to pull everyone up, right?" Y/n turned around to look at her.


" Can you tie Jemima to ray? " Y/n walked to her next target. Emma nodded.

" Thoma, lannion, don't tell me you can't do this," y/n placed her hand on her hip. " I thought you where the bravest soldier in the Kingdom, that had even went against the lazy dragon.."

" W-W-We are!"

" Y-Y-Yeah, it's easy!"

" Well said solider's!!" Y/n dragged the two with her.

" Don't they look like a married couple taking care of their kids or what?" Nat and don laughed quietly from the other side.

" Let's go Jemima ." Ray hooked his clothing hanger to the rope and slid down. Don caught them.

Thoma and lannion was both pushed down by Emma and y/n . The two screamed the entire way to the other side while y/n wheezed her head out.

" Okay, you both are the last one y/n, Emma!" Don yelled out. Emma latched her clothing hanger to the rope and looked back at her friend, who was still staying there without making any move.

"Aren't you comin-"

" She's here.." Emma's question was cut of by y/n. They both turned around to the side to see Isabella breathing heavily, right next to them.

Isabella looked really tired and had her cloth burned at the ends.

Emma let go of the hanger with one hand and looked back at her house that was burning. All the memories were like burning.

"Good bye house... goodbye...our home we loved so much... goodbye mama."Emma looked back at the woman.

" Don't go Emma, y/n. My dear children..." Isabella shook her head while saying it desperately.

Emma ignored her, " y/n, come. We- "

Before she could finish her words she heard a whisper and was pushed, sending her sliding down the rope to the other side.

" Good bye Emma..."

Emma fell into the bushes and looked back to see y/n and Isabella. Her eyes widened, tears flowing by her cheeks.

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