chapter 12 ( my last bet with you,norman....)

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Y/n ignored ray norman and Emma after what happened. It got dark and y/n was taking the things she will be needing before Isabella take her to her new room.' Never in a million years have I thought I will be using you of all the other pieces ever again...'she put the small box in her pocket.

"Y/n!! It's the day to tell us another story!! "

" we need the story of the princess this time! "

" we searched for you in the infirmary this morning but you weren't there and we we're shocked to see ray carrying you and mama carrying Emma this evening. So we need a story now.! "

The kids came running to the room,cheered and waited for the story.

"Alright I -"

"Y/n. Please follow me. " mama came out of nowhere with a smile.

" sorry guys, I have to go now" y/n got up, gave her two books to nat and whispered something. She then walked out to Isabella,and the kids wined.

Y/n followed Isabella down the halls of the house. She stopped at a specific door and reached through the pocket an took out a key to unlock the door.

Inside the room there was a bed, a chair near the window, a box on her bed which she assumed was medicines,and a testing table in the middle.

" this is where you will be staying for the next six days." Isabella smiled. " I will come in and give you your meal. Take your medicines like you always did at night but make it two doses, and you can see your lovely siblings through the window when they are outside. "

Isabella crouched down to y/n's level. " don't try anything funny. I have cameras all around this room. " she whispered in y/n's left ear.

"Mama? " y/n took a few steps back with no emotions on her face. " I have two small requests ,since I will die in one week."

"What is that dear? " mama asked.

"One, let me be there tomorrow to send norman off and two, can you get me a sewing kit. It will be lonely staying in here without anyone."

"Sure, but why a sewing kit? You could have asked for anything but.... a sewing kit? " Isabella looked at her confused.

" yes ,I thought it would be nice to give my siblings an embroidery before I leave. " y/n serious face turned to a warm smile.

" I will get it for you tomorrow! Now why don't you start your tests? " Isabella walked out of the room.

"Kay I will do it. "

"Good, and also they are a bit more difficult then our regular tests. You will have 19 tests today since it's the first day, and the number will keep increasing from from your performance. "


Isabella closed the door and locked it from outside. Y/n sighed and went to the test table. She sat down and put the headphones, and started up the testing table

" age 11. Type 2. Answer....."

' this will be tiring...'

*Y/n pov*


Normans gonna die tomorrow night, and I can't do anything since mama is most certainty watching me through the cameras. These fucking tests are slowly killing me.... ' I took all the tests for today and went to bed.

' knowing Emma and ray they will set up a quick escape plan for norman... And knowing norman he will not do it since his friends life will be on the line. But he will go to the wall to know if there is any way his friends could get out... ' I closed my eyes and covered myself with a blanket. 'I decided I will go to the wall as well... '

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