chapter 10 (lie's been revealed )

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Y/n was unconscious for 3 days. Isabella didn't let anyone to visit her, but the trio's sneaked in every now and then. The other kids were all worried about her.Isabella and sister krone took turns on looking after her.

The plan still went on. They found out there was a headquarters that mama disappear to every night.dona and Gilda went in even though they got a warning from emma ...etcc...( Iam lazy to write)

Y/n finally woke up after 3 days in the middle of the night while breathing heavily as well as tears flowing from her eyes. She looked in front of her and saw Isabella there with wide eyes.
'Why did she have to wake up now?... ' Isabella thought and went closer to her

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( this part will be shown in the future chapter cuz there is something special here. Y/n will ________ ,and ____________.nope not gonna spoil it.) ✧(。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Isabella finally let go from the hug and sat on the chair next to the bed.They had a small conversation until Isabella fall a sleep on her chair

Y/n took her blanket and covered it over Isabella.y/n was thirsty and She slowly approached the door.

She could see well in the dark from when she was little so it wasn't a problem. She had the wall to support her while she was walking.

She went close to the kitchen and saw krone with wide smile.

"Sister you should stop what you are doing. If you dig the hole even more for mama on her weaknesses you might end up in it with even a small slip" y/n whispered. Sister krone was shocked

"Y-y/n your awa-"

" Let's talk later. You should get going, mama is still awake.." y/n lied. " And stop eavesdropping on them" she gave sister a death glare.

( y/n and sister krone both became close after their 1st chess and sister krone knows that y/n know about the secrets. Sister krone found out that y/n already given up on escaping and she also knows y/n can play with anyone's mind being manipulative using her emotions. She also saw y/n's true self when she first got caught on eavesdropping on the trios. Y/n manipulated sister krone to tell her the things about headquarters and how the girls become a mother of a house. Sister krone got terrified on what y/n could do and never blocked her ways of thinking. They only act nice when people are around, and when no ones there y/n get informations from sister.)

Krone didn't say anything and walked away. Y/n sighed and went closer to the dinning hall door. Two loud thud startled her and she opened the door quickly.

Norman and ray was on the floor.


A dark shadow covered y/n's eyes and she clenched her fists hard, so hard that her entire hand turned white.

"Don.." y/n muttered in a low voice ignoring the others call.

"AND YOU! Did you also know about all of this? How long? Did you also watch Conny going to the demon from the side lines? Were you also just acting every thing?" Don yelled out.

" Don, that's not true! Y/n didn't know the tr-"

" Yes I did don. I knew about it all! I even kept it from Norman and ray" y/n cut off Emma's yell. everyone was shocked except Emma since she was the one who told her the truth.
( In reality you knew even before Emma and norman,but just played with it. You Made Emma tell the truth so when a time comes that you have to tell something you could just say that Emma told you about it.)

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