chapter 5 ( I will help this once..)

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*3d person pov*

Y/n walked away to the library after sister krones introduction's. She had finished her previous book yesterday night ...she placed it back to the shelf where she found it.
"Hmm...what should I read today?" Y/n asked herself and looked througt some books that cached her eyes, but most of it was already been read.
y/n placed a book back to the highest shelf, then the door opened and closed.'two... no three people...' y/n thought from the footsteps.

"I was distracted by the tracking devices that I didn't think we would get another adult." Norman sighed.

'so it's those three..' y/n leaned on a bookshelf to further eavesdrop on them.

"We should be happy about this." Ray said crossed his arms.

"Huh, what be happy?" Emma looked at ray with confusion

"Carol and sister krone, we have two more source of information." Ray said and held up his two fingers

"I see"
"First, where did the two come from?" Ray asked and turned to Norman.

'The sky, where do you think? Use your brains people' y/n thought and rolled her eyes.

" Yeah, if this place is a farm, then they must have a site where they prepare one year olds for replacement"

' finally!!! At least someone has their brain running' y/n thought and took a peek.

"So did all of us come from there originally?" Emma inquired.

"Probably, and also sister krone.."ray mumbled

"And the location of the tracking devices" Norman added

" I searched all over my body, but I didn't find any traces of something implanted, and nothing in our clothes or shoes" Emma said

'i whish I could just go out to them with 'Hola' and tell them where it is....but if I do,they would find it suspicious.. Ahhhhhh' y/n screamed in her head

"Based on humankind's existing technologies, it probably uses radio waves.but that requires batteries.something really small that wouldn't leave a scar and with batteries that lasts over 10 years" ray said and narrowed his eyes.

"That kind of technology wouldn't exist in 2015" ray shook his head

" Meaning?" Emma questioned ray.

"It'll be difficult ton predict the mechanism find the location, and figure out how to break it. And we might as well just give up if it's a technology originated from the demons" ray sighed

"True"Norman agreed

"What?so checkmate?" Emma jumped an looked at ray.
" Yup"

"No way" Emma whined

"Well, even if we can't figure the location we can guess."Norman said

"Yeah. We have to think from the enemy's point of view, where and what kind of a device would be the most convenient to implant?" Ray asked.

' what a little great acter we got here' y/n smirked

"Carole!!" Norman shouted in realization.y/n got a bit startled and was about to drop her book but she court it before it hit the group.

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