chapter 8(plans)

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* 3 rd person pov*

Over the past few days y/n continued to eavesdrop on Norman, Emma and ray to know about their escape plans.

She was currently hiding behind the racks of sheets flowing in the wind.

" It looks like playing tag in team is going to work" Emma took a sip of water from the cup.

" What was Phil's scores again?" Ray asked

" Let's see... He's averaging about 203 lately" Emma answered

" That high" Norman said while looking over to Phil who was sitting next to a kid

"He was one of the last remaining this time  and when we were playing tag with sister krone, he's always looking for you and y/n with Eugene and nat too" Emma was thinking for a moment, before she crouched down and started to creek out.

"Stop it!! I don't wanna suspect anyone!" Emma whined

" Idiot!. Even if you don't want to ,you need to be more suspicious, thoroughly!!" Ray yelled." This is life or death!"

" Ray" Norman called. " Any progress on how to break the Tracy devices? How long do you need until your prepared?"

" Let's see.......ten days" ray replied after thinking

" Then let's commence the plan ten days from now .On Nov 8 th" Norman said determined

' they're really taking a huge step..'

Emma looked shocked and surprised, and ray looked defeated.

" W...wait! Isn't it to soon?it's fine but..." Emma mumbled

" It's not fine!"ray didn't look happy about Norman's decision."it's been two weeks since Conny was shipped. The shipment cycle is at least two months, so we should have about a month and a half!! I thought the plan was to carefully prepare during that time! "

"Yeah, just as you thought that way, mom's controlling us to think that way too." Norman argued." so we need to overwit that."

"And if we failed from being too rushed? Then what?!" Ray questioned.

" Either way we need to escape before winter comes." Norman said and looked at Emma." As soon as we break the tracking devices, let's execute our plan as quickly as possible."

"That means we have to do what's necessary in the remaining ten days. "Emma sighed "let's talk to Don, Gilda and y/n tonight!"

Y/n sighed

' goodbye peaceful days..I shall never forget you...'

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Don and Gilda was already having a small chat when y/n got to the library. Emma had told her to meet her there.

"Yoo! don, Gilda!" Y/n excitedly walked in the room.

The two looked at her in surprise." Did you take a shower at this hour?" Gilda asked

"Nope! Lannion spilled his water over me and Nat. Nat got pissed and we ended up having a water throwing competition.... and we won ofcourse!" y/n took her towel from her head and kept it over her shoulder.

Don burst out laughing, while Gilda looked at y/n disappointed.

"So what are you guys doing here? Did Emma call you here to?" Y/n asked even though she knows well why they are here.

"Yeah she sai-"

The trio walked in cutting Gilda off.

"What did you guys want to talk about?" Don asked.


"Human trafficking?"

Y/n stayed silent, faking a whole shocked and scared facade so they won't suspect. Emma continued to explain.

Don laughed hysterically." There's no way! No way!" He contacted laughing

Norman explained about the walls, gate etccc.... And also gave evidence that was letters they never got from their siblings.

"Oh come on now" don still didn't believe them." so what's the punch line? What kind of a prank is this?"

The trio stayed quiet.

Don turned to h/c haired girl and put his hand on her shoulders, "you don't believe them right, y/n?"

Y/n didn't answer and stared at the floor and hid her eyes with her h/c hair

"Your not thinking this is true are you?" Don asked clutching the girls shoulder but she didn't flinch.

"It's true" ray finally spoke up as he got up from his seat and walked to them with a frown but stopped when don't let her free.

And then they continued to talk about the made up secrets.gilda broke down in the middle of it and talked about how Emma was acting strange after Conny's so called ' adoption. '

They talked about how they will safe Conney and the other kids .'So far their fake stories were working until..'

"I don't know" Norman answered. Ray frowned a bit from his answer.

' they're giving them false hopes... this lie of theirs will be found soon, I wonder how will they react....' y/n thought and looked at ray who was already looking at her to which She quickly looked away.

" Let's all run away from here together!" Emma proposed determine." Please help us"

'All of us, huh?... ' y/n thought

Don and Gilda looked at y/n and they all nodded at the same time.

" Why not, it seems fun. I been bored in this house recently!" Y/n said and hugged Emma from her side.

" Your only doing this bec your bored?" Ray asked fae palmed.

" Ofcourse" y/n smirked.

All of them had cleaning duties in the morning . Emma was incharge of the bedroom, y/n and Nat was incharge of hallway....and the others had their own 

'What will Norman do now he knows ray is the traitor?... their lies are bugging me as well.... I should find a way for them to tell me the truth so I can aid them with the escape...' y/n was deep in thoughts

"Hey Pomegranate, will you take care of the rest of the cleaning? I have something really urgent thing to talk about with Emma." Y/n asked nat.

" Sure! But u have to stop calling me that" nat answer while whipping the floor.

"Thanks!! I will keep it in mind pomegranate!" Y/n waved and ran to her bedroom

Emma was hiding a rope she made, when y/n reached there.

"Y-y/n!" Emma got startled from y/n's sudden entry.

'now or never I guess..'

" You guys are amateurs when it comes to lying ,aren't you Emma?" Y/n went closer and closer to Emma

"Y/n i-"

"You guys didn't say the whole truth, why?" Y/n asked with a serious face.

"How did you-"

"I accidentally heard you when you were in the forest, and from that day I been eavesdropping you guys. " y/n finally exposed here self, but not the whole truth

Emma was to shocked to speak.

" Keep it from ray and Norman. When the day comes I will tell them myself." Y/n sighed and walked to the door.

"I don't know what exactly happened to your siblings and my old siblings but You should tell don and Gilda the truth before it's to late" and with that y/n went back to her cleaning.

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