chapter 6 ( monday the story day)

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*3rd person pov*

Y/n was sitting under a tree next to ray, they both had a book in their hand.

"Y/n tell us a story!!" The kids screamed in joy and ran to y/n and circled her, ray was pushed from his place and Emma sat there.

" Is it Monday already?" Y/n mumbled to herself and closed the book she was writing on.""OKAY KIDS! WHAT KIND OF STORY DO YOU WANT TO HEAR?"y/n asked in an old man voice to the her siblings with a genuine smile.

"Please tell us about the princess and the fairies in the wonderlands!" Alicia answered with a giggle. All the girls eyes sparkled.

" Noooo!!!! That's boring! We want the story of the knight and the adventures!!" Lannion protested and every boys nodded, the sparkle in the girls eyes turned into glare. They all started bickering at each other

Y/n laughed at their actions.

" Y/n tell us the story about the ghost in the cave! Everyone love those right?" Nat asked but ended up getting attached by the girls and some other 4 year old.

"Noooo! We hate ghost stories!" On of the little boy exclaimed

"Hey how about we leave the decision to y/n?" Norman asked and Emma nodded.

Y/n stopped laughing and went to a face that said 'you traitors ,why did you put me in the middle of this mess? It was getting interesting to...'.
Ray chuckled a bit at her action.

"Ok if that's fine with everyone then I guess I have no other choice" y/n's sweat dropped when she saw her siblings sparkling eyes.

*Y/n pov*

I cleared my throat and went back to the old man's voice.
"I will tell you a story about a boy who gave up everything for a little girl, how about it?" I asked. Everyone nodded and came closer in anticipation.

"Once upon a time there lived a lot of kids and a woman in a hug house far away from other villages. In that house there lived a boy, a very clever, talented one, you could call him a genius. His name was Zack, he loved to play songs on his guitar.... Everyone in that house loved him, he was like an older brother to everyone.

One day when he was playing a song to his siblings he saw his mother taking a kid with them. She had a letter in her hand. Curious he went after her after putting his siblings to sleep.
" Where is mom going at this hour?" The boy though.
"Brother what are you doing?" A girl asked him. He was startled a bit.
" Why aren't you sleeping? It's way past your bed-" the boy got cut off. The girl placed her finger on her lip signing to not say anything.they kept on following their mom to the forest.
" I couldn't sleep, now why are you following mama?" The girl whispered to the boy.

"Did you bring the child?" They were both interrupted by A voice that came from the cave. The voice was deep and terrifying. Their mom stopped infront of it.
"Yes I did" the mother told the thing in the cave, and went inside.
The curious children went closer to the cave and took a peek inside. Their eyes widened.
There in the middle of the cave was a dragon, with sharp teeth, sharp claws, four eyes and a huge had a small scar on the middle of it's eyes. To the left there was an old woman with a hat.

The kids gasped, they were terrified, the little girl was shaking.

"WHO'S THERE?" The dragon shouted and looked outside of the cave.... There was no one.

" It must have been your imagination..." the granny began and took the child from the mother's hand and put it in the giant table."no one would be awake at this hour"

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