chapter 19 ( escaping...)

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" I am sorry... I am so sorry ray... " y/n mumbled cutting him off and tightened her grips.

" why? "

" you will know soon. " y/n breaks the hug and give him a closed eye smile.

He was confused and concerned on what that head of her's is planing. After all she said the same thing before she went with mama....

Suddenly another figure came from behind and hugged y/n tightly.

" I am glad to see you again. " emma tightened the hug and .

" emma.... I can't..... B... Breathe... "

She instantly let go " s-sorry. " she apologizes while rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment.

" I am glad your ok! " Thoma cried out along with lannion.

" you really scared us all this time" Gilda said with a glare. Y/n got chills.

" how did you escape? Tell us!! " nat wiped the tears and asked

" let's keep walking, I will tell you on the way.... Where to Start.... "

*y/n pov, Flashback*

I looked back at the house I lived in for 4 years. All the memories came back to me. This would be the last time I would be standing here in front of this house. Honestly I feel a bit sad, even if it was all just fake.. I enjoyed every single moment I spend with them.

" good bye house.. "

The forest was dark and cold. This reminded me of the first time me and my brother and I followed one of our sibling to see his parents but ended up seeing his dead body instead.

Mom and I walked down the path that lead to the gates. The walk was silent, only the sound of crickets and the wind remains.

We didn't speak until we reached near the gate, mama broke the silence. " why be so quiet dear? Are you scared of death? "

" not really. Just recollecting my memories..... " I said coldly without any kind of emotions.

It went silent once again that is until I decided to break it this time.

" hey mama.... Just so you know, I love you a whole lot. I always saw you as my own mother ( what I meant was mother in law *cough*). " I gave her a genuine smile.

Isabella suddenly got flashbacks of her and that boy ( I have no idea what that boys name was..).

" you were a great kid y/n." Mama smiled and patted my head.

" we will see about that ma-ma~" I mumbled to myself making sure she didn't hear that.

"Mama. I have one last question. Please answer it honestly."

Mama gave a nod and waited for me to continue.

" what the hell am I? " I asked turning to see the expression on mama's face.

Mama looked shocked and speechless so I decided to continue.

" My stamina is 10 times better than anyone. I can heal faster than anyone in the house. And in my research I found out that I can't die. How did I know that? Easy ,I tried to kill myself a lot of times but no matter what, I will be perfectly fine in the next day. I made poison and tested it in my own body. And the last time when I throw up a lot of blood, you thought it was because sister krone poisoned me through the tea, right? But in reality I did it myself, I thought I was finally going to die but woke up fine 3 days later , nothing wrong. I mean how the fuck am I alive! I drank all the chemicals and poisonous herbs! And you know when all this started happening? From the day I got out of that damn tube! " I finally let out everything I been keeping after I came here

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