chapter 9 ( blood)

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" Y/n! Come over here" sister krone called out . I was peaceful reading my book with ray next to me. I looked at sister krone and got up. Ray took my wrist and gave me a worried look.

"Aww don't worry sugar cube, I am just going to go play chess with her" I laughed at rays actions.

" Be careful, if she do something come back here." Ray finally let go of my wrist.

"Yeah yeah" I waved and ran to sister krone.she was holding a tray of tea and and a chess board.

"What is it sister?" I gave her one of my billion fake smiles.

" I thought we could have tea while playing chess" sister began to walk and I followed her." I heard that you like tea more than anything, so I need your opinion on this flavor"

We sat under a tree and she gave me a cup with a sweet smile.i thanked her and took a sip.

'somehow, I kinda grew attached to sister krone'

"The flavor is good and refreshing." I started." If you are planning on giving this to the kids then add a bit more sugar and try making cookies with it. They would love it."

"Alright... How did you know that I was doing this for the kids?" Sister moved her white bishop and looked at me confused.

"  if it was making it for mama or for our chess then you would have added more flavor and wouldn't have added any sugar. but since the flavor is low and sugar is balanced.... I just guessed." I shrugged, moved my queen to block her knight and gave her a smile.

" You really are as smart as they say" she mumbled.

" And checkmate~" I gave her a smirk. " You should pay attention when Playing sister. Especially to me~"I took a sip of tea and placed it back.

" thank you for the tea and for playing chess with me sister." I got up and looked at her." I know you want to be a mom and I am sure you would be great at it ,But please don't get in their way. "

" I can't make any promises" she smiled sweetly.

I turned my back at her. " Please be safe sister." And I walked away. Sister krone was a bit shocked at what I said but went back to her usual smile.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

I walked back to get my book and saw ray still there.

" You haven't gone in yet?" I asked and he got startled.

" Omg y/n. Don't come from behind like that, I might have a heart attack" ray put his hand on his heart and flicked my head.

" oww.. you meanie" I rubbed my hand on where he flicked.

" So how did it go? Did she say something?" Ray asked

" We only played chess and drank tea... Nothing else" I said and took my book from the ground.

" That a good to know." Ray sighed." Your going already?"

" Yeah I promised to play with lannion and nat's soldiers today... Why? will you miss me butter cup~?"

" Why would I" ray blushed a bit from my teasing.

"Well bye, let's meet at the library at night" I waved and walked away.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Y/N YOU FINALLI CAME!!" Phil came running to me and hugged me.

"Lannion...." I stared as lannion's crew slowly approached me."....nat.." I looked back at nat's crew approaching me from behind.

" ONWARDS, MY BRAVE SOLDIERS! TODAY IS THE DAY WE FINALLY TAKE DOWN THE LAZY DEMON!!! Nat and lannion yelled as their soldiers got on me all at once. Thank God I gently pushed Phil of off me before they got me.

I sighed " what did I do in my previous life to be like this?" I questioned my whole existence.

I got them off of me and ran behind them.

" COOPERATE WITH US AND WE SHALL LET YOU LIVE!" Thoma yelled while running from me

*3rd person pov*

" Why would I cooperate when I can just eat you all!!" Y/n finally got him and tickled him till he was out of breath. Y/n got up and chased lannion, then suddenly she stopped.

A loud thud stopped everyone and they turned back.

Y/n was on her knees. A drop of blood got her attention. She touched her nose and it was bleeding. She was confused as to why and how



the kids ran to her and started panicking.

' this is bad.... I feel light headed' y/n quickly his her blood from her siblings

Y/N got up slowly." Yeah I am fin-" before she could say anything she felt like her insides where being cut of off. She got down on her knees again holding her stomach and her mouth ,breathing heavily.

" Y/n!"

"Lannion go call mom!!"

Y/n threw up. Footsteps were heard coming from upstairs from all the sound

"Hey! What's happening?" Emma and Norman came from upstairs.


Y/n held nat's shoulders so she can stand up so they don't have to worry.

But she couldn't, her vision became blurry and the last thing she saw was Norman and Emma's eyes widened and her siblings worried faces.she completely lost her consciousness.

Ray came running from all the voice to see y/n fall uncoustious on the floor.

" Ray...." Emma trembled voice pulled him from his deep thoughts." Blo....blood.... There's blood."

Ray looked at y/n's surroundings and saw that there is a puddle of blood around was y/n's vomit.

His eyes widened and wondered why and what happened. Why she fainted when she was doing well when they talked in the morning.

"Y/N!!" Isabella and krone came and was shocked at all the blood around y/n. She quickly took her to the infirmary.

Bonus ✨

Y/n : if mom sent me to the demons...

Norman : what will you do?

Y/n : I will simply will not go. What she gonna do? Send me to demons? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I am already not going!💅

Sister Krone :she has a point....(〇o〇;)

Isabella: Da fuck...

Bye bye~

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