chapter 18(suprise mother f**....)

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Isabella glanced at the calendar as the clock ringed throughout the room.

" happy birthday " she spoke to herself. "and goodbye. "

Isabella's eyes widened at the sound of screams through the house. " Ray!! " mama could hear emma scream, as she ran out into the hallway.

She walked towards the dinning room immediately covering her nose from the smell. " what is this smell? "

She opened the Door to e faced with gush of sparkly smoke. In front of her was emma, on her knees, screaming over and over, " ray! "

"Emma! " Isabella ran towards her worried.

" mama, help!... Ray is..... Ray is in there! " emma pointed to the huge fire.

Isabella quickly stood up and pulled out her tracker device thing out of her pocket. And indeed there was a small dot in the middle of the fire.

" Did he set himself on fire? " she asked herself and ran back into the Hall to be greeted by Gilda.

" Gilda take everyone outside!also please get the babies from my room!! " Isabella instructed and Gilda replied with an okay.

Isabella took out a fire extinguisher. " if I can... If I can at least get.. His brain... " she muttered. " emma stay back! "

Isabella began extinguishing the fire, but it quickly ran out. She angrily muttered, " why aren't the sprinklers working? "

" emma, you need to get out of here or you will also- " she turned back to see the girl was no longer there.

" emma?.. " Isabella checked the tracker device again to look at the dot. The little dot was showing in the next room. and she walked into the room a wave of worry hit her because the room was empty.

She pulled the bucket in front of her and saw a ear behind of it.

Realization hit her like a truck and she grit her teeth angrily. " what were those children wearing on their foot?.. " she muttered.

Emma ran as quickly as she could through the forest as she covered her now missing ear to stop the bleeding.

" oh, she is here! Emma! " one of the kids said and waved at her. The kids were wearing sweaters and backpacks.

Emma gave them a soft smile as she stopped running. " thanks for waiting everyone! "

Ray stood in the back with wide eyes from the overwhelming surprise. He also had a bloody cloth covering his ear but Emma's were even more bloody.

He was playing back what exactly happened when he dropped the fire.


The clock on the wall chimed. Indicating that it was 12 o'clock.... Officially rays 12 th birthday.

Ray lit a match, snapping emma out of her thoughts.

" I am 12 years old now. " he softly smiled and continued. " it was a life I wanted to curse. But the time I spent with her and everyone was really fun. "

" no, stop! " emma yelled.

" thank you" ray said while still smiling warmly. " bye, bye emma. "

Ray sighed " I will meet you soon y/n, please wait for me Patiently....." He muttered to himself and dropped the match.

Emma ran and jumped over the puddle of oil to catch the match....

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