Meet Scarlett

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The Underground. A place no soul deserves to go but those unfortunate to be born down there are stuck there for life. A place where disease fills every corner, sewage fills the streets and death is everywhere. A place where vegetation is non existence and the sun does not shine. A place where crime goes un-punished, a place where many live in fear. This story follows one girl who was born under these conditions. Her name, Scarlett. Her surname was unknown even to her. Her Mother was a prostitute and her Father was a client. Children born under these conditions were not rare. If her parents were alive or not, was another mystery. Her Mother left her to die on the streets just two days after she was born. She would have died if it were not for the pity of an old woman who had no children off her own. Still covered in blood from her birth, the woman took the small, weak child in her arms and christened her with the name Scarlett. She hid the child for five years, hid her from the world in which her Mother was part of. The woman knew that if Scarlett was found they would take her and the old woman would be too weak to fight back. The day the child turned five years old though, the old woman died of sickness. Scarlett who had looked up to her as a Mother could do nothing but watch. The old woman did not hide anything from her adopted child. She had told her what would happen if she was found and even at the young age of five she understood. She left the house and went to live a homeless life on the streets...

Scarlett learnt to defend herself and despite all the odds she made it to the age of 12. She was small, quick and nimble. She could run away from trouble, jump from roof to roof with ease. She could take down full grown men. She was nothing anyone would have expected from her. To look at her one would simply see a small girl with short curly black hair. She earned the name ghost girl as she was an expert at hiding within the shadows and pouncing when you least expect it. She was impossible to catch, she would be there one moment and gone the next. Her dream was to get to the world above. To live in the sunlight, which her pale skin had never felt before, but she knew that dream was just a dream and nothing more. For there was a gate which blocked the only way out of the hell hole and you had to pay a lot of money to get through. Even if you managed to get up there if you didn't have a citizenship you would be sent straight back down...

Even though she had all this she was still caught and sold into the business her Mother was in. The business was harsh and if you didn't do as you were told you were beaten. If you still refused to do as you were told they would kill you. The thing with Scarlett was that she was always trying to escape but they had people in that business who were just as good as she and she was often caught. This happened so often that Scarlett was soon no stranger to pain. It didn't seem to bother her anymore. They wouldn't kill her because despite her unpredictability as she was a person many asked for. Her beauty was very rare in the Underground and because of this she was safe from being killed by them at least. It might seem sick but Scarlett came to enjoy the pain. For her it meant that she couldn't be controlled by them. That for her was a good thing, she was still unpredictable, even after all those years of doing the same things over and over again. They still couldn't guess her next move, mainly because she hardly ever talked, she showed no emotion. She wasn't heartless she just wouldn't show her true emotions, her true self to those she though would cause her harm. She never screamed when the beat her, she never made any sound at all. She wouldn't let them hear her pain. She would not let them see her in a weak state. Even though they would never admit it, many of the grown men were scared of her. They knew she could easily break them. The other girls looked up to her, she was a role model for almost everyone, but she didn't care about that. All she did was wish and hope that one day things would change...

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