Free as a bird

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The three went to a remote place where Scarlett could practise in peace. There was luckily not a soul in sight. It was at the back of someone's house.

"Alright, here what we're going to do. I'm going to put one of the grapple hooks into that wall over there and the other one on the wall opposite it. You're gonna have to do balance your weight evenly and all your gonna do is hang there as still as you can, okay?" Farlan explained.

"Yeah I got it." Scarlett replied confidently. She could do that. As Levi stood silently watching Farlan placed one hook in the wall. Scarlett felt a strong tugging but she held her ground. When the other hook was in place Scarlett felt herself be lifted off the ground. She placed on hand in front and one behind and hung there like she was told too. The two boys looked on. Farlan's face said that he was impressed but Levi's said nothing at all but inside he too was impressed she had managed to do it with such ease the fist time.

"Wow, that impressive for a first timer." Said Farlan.

"Thanks." To Scarlett the exercise was just like balancing on a wall on something which she had had years of practising off. She had expected it to be harder but her years of running on walls and rooftops had paid off. Convinced that she could do it he pulled the hooks out of the walls and Scarlett landed smoothly on the feet.

"Alright now I'll teach you how too use these things properly..."

After a long and ver boring explanation about gas tanks, wires, grapple hooks, Farlan was finally done explaining.

"Can I have a go now?" Scarlett asked looking from Farlan to Levi. Farlan looked to Levi for an answer. Knowing she was ready and desperate to try it, Levi tilted his head to the right silently, telling her she was free to go. So she did. She whizzed in between building and high above the streets. The people below looked up to see her fly by. Some waved and some smiled, happy to see one of their own using the gear. Scarlett was having the best time off her life. She spread her arms out and felt the air ruffle her clothes as she zoomed through it at high speed. This was what it was like to be a bird, this was the taste of freedom and Scarlett couldn't get enough of it after searching for it almost get whole life.

Down on the ground Farlan and Levi watched Scarlett fly through the air. Neither of them come deny that she was amazing at it. She did summersaults and turns in the air like she had been doing it her whole life and not two minuets.

"She might be as good as you Levi." Said Farlan.

"We'll see about that when we go on another job."

"Do we have any lined up?"

"Not at the moment but something is bound to come up."

" long do you think she's gonna be up there?"

"Too long..."

Half an hour later was when Scarlett came back. She did a 360 degree turn in the air and landed nimbly on her feet. She cheeks her rosy and her eyes shone with excitement.

"Have fun?" Asked Farlan with a smile.

"That was amazing, it was much better than I though it would be. Flying through the air like that..." She didn't finish her sentence remembering the fun she had just had. The sight of her like that made both the boys want to blush. Levi mentally scowled himself. What was it about this girl that made him feel like this? The fact he couldn't work it out or put a stop to it infuriated him.

"Stop acting like a excited kid, you idiotic brat." He said feeling angry with both himself and at Scarlett. Then he stormed past her and Farlan, heading towards home leaving the two of them alone. They both began to follow him slowly, walking side by side.

"You know I'm really starting to think that Levi's just a grumpy bastard." Said Scarlett but Farlan knew his friend well. He knew his little outburst was actually him fighting his emotions. It seemed to him that they might have unknowingly entered a battle for Scarlett's heart...

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