I'm not perfect

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Scarlett woke up early two days later. She walked down the stairs and found Isabel out cold on the sofa with a broom in her hand. She had been working non stop since she got there. Spending all her time cleaning the house. She often had to redo her job because Levi wasn't happy with it. The bird she had brought with her sat in it's little nest chirping happily. T's wings were far from fixed but they were slowly getting there. Scarlett walked over and tore of a crumb of bread and fed it to the bird.the bird plucked it out of her hand happily. She heard footsteps behind her and saw Levi up, dressed and ready to go. He stopped when he saw Scarlett. Even in the morning she looked beautiful, he thought. His feeling for her where becoming more and more obvious to him but like every emotion he would simply hid it.

"Farlan is still asleep. I'm going out to look for work." He said. He turned to walk out the door. He saw Isabel collapsed on the sofa with the broom in her hand. She had clearly been working hard, it was his plan to start letting her use the 3DM gear soon. After he left Scarlett made three cups of coffee. She knew Farlan would wake up soon. He never slept in much later than Levi. He was quite a light sleeper and if there was movement in the house he would usually wake up. When she had made the coffee she gently took the broom from Isabel, placed a blanket over her and finished sweeping the floor. She knew that Levi still wouldn't be happy with the job she had done. Scarlett felt the need to help her out, she had seen how desperate she was to try the 3DM gear. A few minutes later she heard a loud yawn saw that Isabel was waking up.

"Morning." She greeted Isabel. Isabel blinked and then smiled at her.

"You didn't have to do that you know."

"It's okay. Don't worry about it. There is some coffee on the table for you. I don't know if you drink it but everyone else in the house does." Isabel picked up the cup from the table and sat down on the sofa. Scarlett put away the broom and joined her on the sofa with her own cup of coffee. When Isabel took a sip her face scrunched into a ball. Scarlett smiled at the sight.

"This is gross." She gently put the cup down. "So where are the others?"

"Farlan's asleep and Levi's already gone put looking for work."

"Bro didn't even say goodbye. He can be cold sometimes."

"Yeah I know he can. I mean I cant really speak much because I have only been with them just over a week but from what I have seen...Levi acts distant and cold towards everyone so don't take it personally."

"I just wish we would lighten up and care a little more."

"He does care. Every so often he says things or does things that shows he cares, under the cold surface."

"You like him don't you?" Said Isabel with a smile nudging Scarlett's arm with her shoulder. Scarlett's cheeks went slightly red.

"I haven't even though of him like that for one second."

"Oh? Maybe it's Farlan you like then."

"No, I don't like either." Scarlett had really never thought about either of them being potential lovers but now that she thought about it...Farlan was sweet and caring but Levi...Levi was on a whole new level of his own. He was mysterious, attractive, not too tall for her (he was 160cm and she was 158cm) and she loved the way he never lost his cool. Even though she thought all that about him she wouldn't say that she was in love with him. No, she couldn't be in love, she wasn't the kind of girl too fall in love. She would only get her heart broken, she knew men were despicable things. He like both Farlan and Levi, they were the first men to ever treat her like a human being but love was still out of the question, right?

"You know I never even thanked you for saving me that time. Ever since then I looked up to you, wanted to be like you. As perfect as you were."

"I'm not perfect Isabel. I have been running from men like a coward my whole life, even though I haven't told the guys I hate when they shut the door, I feel trapped and panic. I fear physically contact because they only tome I have been touched before was not how I wanted it too. It was either disgusting or done to inflict pain, sometimes both. I have never had any real friends, I don't tend to get along with many people. I enjoying fighting and making other bleed, I kind of enjoy pain. You know my biggest fear?" Isabel shook her head. "My biggest fear is dying down here, alone without ever seeing the sun."

"You're not alone anymore Scarlett. I'm here for you even if the other two aren't and we'll make it to the surface someday. We will, I know we will."

"You have such faith. It's admirable, I wish I could see things the same way."

"You can. You just have to look at things in a different way. Shake things up a little, look at it upside down, whatever helps." Scarlett smiled.

"Upside down? Really?"

"Yeah, and you don't eve have to fear physical contact. I would never hurt you, promise." She said throwing her arms around Scarlett's neck. Scarlett froze not knowing what to do.

"It's okay Scarlett." Isabel reassured her. "I won't hurt you." Very slowly Scarlett wrapped her arms around Isabel and held her tight, and for the first time since Agnes died when she was five...she felt loved.

Those born in the dark (Levi love story)Where stories live. Discover now