The court

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The four were dragged out of the carriage to be hit with the sun's blinding light again. It would take them a long time to get used to sun's brightness. The were taken inside by the four that had captured them. Inside the building there were loads of people sat down in neat rows. They turned around to stare as the four were taken down the stone alleyway and placed in the middle of the courtroom. There was a stone square patch with a wooden fence around the edge. Scarlett saw that to their right there were soldiers from the Military police, the survey corps and the Garrison. The man that had pushed Levi's face in sewage pushed them all down onto their knees. Ewrin bent down and spoke to them quietly.

"The Military police would like very much to take you in but I am here to fight for you to be place in the commander is chief Darius Zackly will be here any minute now. He will listen to both sides and ultimately decide on your fate. Be polite and only speak when spoken too and you will be fine."

"I thought you said us joining the survey corps was definite." Said Levi coldly.

"Oh it is, if we play our cards right. The commander in chief is very much against the idea of just placing you all in prison, we knows full well what you are capable of and is very much in agreement that you could be helpful in our fight for humanity." He stood up and walked away, followed by the other man. They both went and stood side by side on the area outside the court bit to their left. Levi glared at him intensely which Erwin noticed but choose to ignore. Then suddenly all the soldiers in the room did a weird salute thing. They placed their right hand in a clenched fist over their hearts and place the other behind. Scarlett watched them closely as they all fell completely silent and looked forward, their faces blank. In front of the four there was a large stand with three seats at the top. Two of these were already filled but the middle on was still empty. Then a man came up from behind the chair. He had grey hair and a grey beard. He took of this brown coat and place it next to him. He then processed to silently sit down and place a pair of glasses of the top on his nose. He looked at some pieces of paper in front of him before finally addressing the crowd.

"All may sit." Everyone did as the man said. "Now let us begin. We are here today to discuss the fate of the four before us. They are highly skilled people from the Underworld. Commander Erwin wishes to use their great ability and make them join the survey corps unpunished. The Military police however wish to take them into custardy and treat them as the criminals they are believe them to be. Is this true?" A man in Military police uniform spook up.

"It is, Sir. These four are criminals and need to be dealt with in the proper way. As the Commander of the Military police it is my job to ensure that the law set by our beloved King are followed. These laws apply to those living in the Underground two. These four are responsible for destroying property, theft, causing disorder and also for injuring members of the Military police on several different occasions. A crime that is they were committed on the surface would have been punished by death."

"Commander Erwin, what is your take on this matter?" Asked the man.

"I believe that everything that has been said so far is true. These four are criminals however the survey corps are always in great need of soldiers. It was very rare to find people that are as good in combat as they are, even some of the best. Their leader is Levi Ackerman, the three are very loyal to him. He showed great intelligent on the field and used the 3DM gear like it was child's play. The girl next to him is Scarlett also known as Ghost girl down in the Underground due to her ability to disappear into the shadows. She is incredibly skilled in combat and managed to almost take down Captain Sky, despite never using a sword before."

"And the other two?"

"The other two are also very skilled. Worthy soldiers, the plan was to let them go but they insisted that if Levi and Scarlett were joining the survey corps then they would too. The four work as an excellent team. Levi and Scarlett are equivalent to a whole squad each."

"How did they get there hands in the 3DM gear?" Asked Darius.

"That is unknown Sir."

"I can answer that one." Said the head of the Military police. "Three years ago, Levi Ackerman and Farlan Church injured four members of the survey corps. After bringing them down they then proceeded to take the fallen soldiers gear for their own. Like I said before they are thieves."

"Yes but they taught themselves how to use the 3DM gear."

"Self taught?" Repeated Darius.

"Yes I too at first didn't believe it but it is clear to me now that they really haven't had any Military training."

"If they were too join the survey corps, what would you do about their training?"

"I believe that they don't need the usual three years of training. They already know a great deal and if anything we could learn a few things from them. They will only need to know the theory of killing Titans and a little sword practise and they will be more than ready to enter the field."

"That's ridiculous." The head of the Military police shouted. "Sending them out without the normal three years training your just sending them to their death."

"If all you plan to do it put valuable soldiers to their death then surely something like that wouldn't matter to you."

"Commander Erwin, he does have a point. This could all be for nothing if they are just being sent to their death."

"I am well aware of that Sir but we have to take into account that because these people are from the Underground they are able to adapt and learn quickly. They have had to do this just to survive in those conditions, because of this if they are taught the theory and taught sword play by Captain Mike then they will be field ready in a month if that. Most of the three years training done prior to picking ones regiment is mostly spent on learning how to use the 3DM gear, learning as much about the Titans as we know at that point, working as a team and being able to think of a solution to a problem on the spot. These four already have all these skills apart from the sword play."

"So you propose that the four stay together when entering the field?"

"Yes I do Sir. They are a very effective team."

"Then I have made my decision that first thing tomorrow morning they will be given citizenship on the surface and their training will be started immediately. They are in the hands of Commander Erwin now. I declare this case closed..."

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