The wings of freedom

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The four were woken up in the morning by a really loud knock on the door. Levi got up out of bed, his chest bare in nothing but a pair of plain black trousers. The other three watched silently, sat up now wide awake and watched as Levi opened the door. There stood none other than Captain Sky, fully dressed and holding a lot of washing. Her nose was still heavily bandaged up and was bright red. She began to walk in but Levi didn't move out of her way.

"Of you are really as smart as the Commander says you are then you will move." Giving her one of his death glares he moved to the side. Under his intense gaze Captain Sky began to feel uneasy. These people were not to be messed with, she knew this but her pride would not allow her to show respect to people that had lived their whole life in the Underground. The other three jumped out of bed when they saw who was entering the room. Captain Sky could feel four pairs of hateful eyes on her, maybe she shouldn't have insulted them so much. After she had left them alone in their room last night the Commander had taken her into his office and given her a sharp warning. He told her that these people could be very dangerous of they wanted to be. He even told her about his plans of one day maybe making Levi and Scarlett Captains of their own squad. He said Levi was pretty much ready already but Scarlett needs to learn that she in herself is smart and needs to learn not to rely on Levi to make all the decisions. The thought enraged Sky. Two Underground rats becoming Captains, it was unthinkable. She would not be the only one to think this. Many people on the surface were brought up to believe that they were below us or most just didn't even know such a place existed. She did see sense in not messing with them. Scarlett had broken her nose with ease, while all she had been able to do was make a few cuts. Scarlett had found a few plasters in the cupboard in the bathroom the four shared and had placed on of them over the cut on her face. Captain Sky knew that that wasn't all that girl was capable of. She placed a set of clothes on each of their beds in silence.

"These are your uniforms. You have been instructed to put them on them proceed to the Commanders office. I believe he has your citizenships ready for you to take. It would be wise to put it somewhere safe, you only ever get one. If you lose it you will be sent back to where you came from." As soon as she said this she turned and left. She had said what she was meant to, that was all she needed to do. She wouldn't do or say anything she didn't have to that way she would be following the Commander's orders without having to get involved with them too much.

"She seemed to be acting nicer today." Said Farlan after she left.

"Maybe Scarlett's threats worked." Isabel said.

"No, that's not it." Scarlett said thinking about it. "She isn't the kind of person that would back down. She must have been warned by someone higher than her. Someone she respects to. It had t be that Erwin guy." Then the four of them got changed into their new uniforms. The two guys got changed in the small bathroom while the guys stayed in the bedroom to change. Scarlett and Isabel put on the white short, white trousers and the buckles that held the 3DM gear. Then Scarlett picked up the last item, a brown jacket. She paused when she got a sight of the wings of freedom on the back. Isabel had already put hers on and stopped when she saw Scarlett looking at hers.

"The wings of freedom huh?" She said more to herself than Isabel.

"Makes you wonder how free we will be when wearing it." Said Isabel.

"Yeah, freedom isn't really something we are familiar with." She sighed and lifted it up to put it on when something white fell out of it. Isabel lifted it up and looked at it with her eyebrows in a frown.

"What is this?" Scarlett took it from her.

"I believe it's a cravat."

"A what?"

"A cravat, something you wear around your neck. Well men are the ones to wear these actually. Agnes' husband used to wear them, I remember that their were loads of pictures of him wearing them in her house. They look nice actually."

"What's it doing here?"

"No idea but you know what we should do with it..."

Levi sat n the bed in his new uniform, Farlan sat opposite him. Levi's face was emptiness like normal but Farlan knew that he was worried about something.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Levi, knowing that he couldn't lie to his friend decoded to answer honestly.

"What if you guys all die? You and Isabel didn't have to join but Scarlett was made to join alongside me. If anything happens to her..."

"Levi, it's fine. You know Scarlett, she is tough and brave she will be fine. As for Isabel and me we will be fine too. As long as you and Scarlett are with us. Plus we have a lot of training to do before we are put in the field. You really shouldn't worry so much. Tell you what if Scarlett knew what a worried idiot you were underneath your cold exterior she might not like you as much." Farlan said laughing. Levi just glared at him and then the bathroom door opened and Scarlett and Isabel came out. They were both smiling about something and Scarlett held something whit in her hand.

"What's that?" Asked Farlan.

"This is a cravat." Answered Scarlett walking over to Levi. He watched her closely not knowing what she was planning to do. She sat down on the bed next to him and carefully went towards his neck. Levi watched her as she placed the cravat around his neck. He didn't move, trusting her not to hurt him and enjoying the feeling of her soft fingers on his neck. The feeling made the hairs all over his body stand up. Farlan was watching feeling more than a little jealous while Isabel was watching them with wide eyes. Just realising for the first time that their relationship had taken a huge turn and she hadn't even noticed. They way Levi was looking at Scarlett said everything to her. His face might have not been smiling or showing any sign of affection but his eyes were kind and soft, something Isabel had never seen on Levi before. Scarlett patted the cravat down and stood up and backed away from him, taking a look at her job.

"See? I told you it would look good on him." She said to Isabel. Farlan stood up and stood on the right of Scarlett and Isabel stood on the left. The three looked at Levi, who simply sat there watching them back.

"You know, I didn't think he could look anymore intimidating." Said Farlan making the three of them laugh...

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