Maybe he does care

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A week went by and nothing much happened. Farlan and Scarlett became better aquatinted while Levi continued to watch from the sidelines. He hated the way Farlan could just talk to her with such ease. One morning Levi was out, leaving just Farlan and Scarlett in the house. Scarlett was drinking some coffee but she spilt some on the table.

"Shoot!" She said running to get a cloth. Then she began scrubbing the table while Farlan smiled at her.

"Getting used to Levi's cleanliness already I see."

"Yeah, I just don't want to be kicked out. I like it here." She said it quietly but the thought made Farlan smile. He did wonder if she liked it here or not but now he knew that she did.

"You don't swear do you?" He said noticing she said 'shoot.'

"Um yeah. Agnes taught me that it was bad to swear even in a difficult situation."

"Who's Agnes?"

"She was my adopted Mother."

"Where's your real Mum?"

"How should I know? She left me on the streets do die when I was a two days old and I would have died if it wasn't for Agnes. That's why she named me Scarlett see, because when she was found me I was still covered in blood from my birth." This new information made Farlan angry. Why would she do such a thing to her child? Scarlett on the other hand was surprised at herself. She had never told anyone anything about her past but she found that the information just seemed to pour out of her mouth before she could stop it. To her it was a sign that she trusted him, even though she didn't know it. Scarlett stood up and put the cloth in the sink, happy with the job she had done.

"I noticed that we were out of bread so I'll go and get some more." Scarlett said wanting to get off the topic of her past.

"Okay, see you later." Scarlett then left the house without another word...

Scarlett walked down the street, trying not to look at all the poor souls that were still out on the streets. She had been lucky enough to find a home, somewhere to feel safe but the memory of being out in the streets was still very much there. She could still feel the fear she felt every night when she slept on the sewage infested floor. Despite the way she acted she was scared, scared that someone might kill her in her sleep, or kid-nap her, take her back to the men she had been running from. Those on the streets never did this though. They understood the dangers of where they lived and to an extent the protected each other, but that protection never went far. Scarlett looked ahead and that was when she saw them. The man with the scar of his left cheek. His arm was heavily bandaged up, there were only two behind him today. One of the man's head was bandaged up but the other looked fine. Scarlett guessed they had left the one with the broken leg at home. They hadn't seen her yet, they looked like they were just walking through the streets but Scarlett knew she had to hide fast. She turned to run in the direction she came from but felt a huge tug from behind her. Her attacker pulled her into a dark alleyway. They covered her mouth and pressed her hard against the wall. Scarlett was surprised to find...

"Levi!" She muffled.

"Shut up." Taking great advantage of the situation Levi pressed his body against hers. Leaving no gap between them. If Scarlett wasn't preoccupied thinking about the men that were after her in the street she probably would have blushed. Levi carefully poked his head out of the alleyway and saw the three men walked away. Levi and Scarlett stayed like that in silence for a little while just to make sure they were gone. Wishing they could stay like that for longer Levi removed his hand from Scarlett's mouth and backed away from her. Scarlett moved her hand towards her head and when she pulled it back she saw it was bleeding slightly.

"Did you have to be so rough?"

"What they hell are you doing out here on your own?" Levi scolded without answering her question.

"I came out to get some bread because we don't have any more."

"Why didn't Farlan come with you?"

"Why would he? I just came out to get bread."

"Tch, that idiot should know not to let you out un protected."

"Hey I'm not unprotected. I could take down those guys by myself." Levi glared at her.

"Even if you could that's not the point. You shouldn't have to protect yourself anymore. Not while Farlan and I are around." Levi looked out of the alleyway to check that the coast was clear while Scarlett looked at the floor with wide eyes. Did Levi really just say that? Was that his way of telling her he cared? Scarlett smiled to herself. Underneath his cold exterior he really did care. The thought warmed Scarlett. Levi suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the alleyway and in the direction of home.

"Come on. We have to get back before the basterds come back..."

Those born in the dark (Levi love story)Where stories live. Discover now