The girl in the streets

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Scarlett ran through the dirty streets, passing dying people and filth.

"Don't let her get away!" Shouted a muscle man who was the leader of the group of five chasing her, there were more than that, they others seemed to disappear. They were probable planning an ambush. She needed to get somewhere where she could be seen. She had to get out of that business soon. She was now 22 and been running from these people since they caught her when she was 12. She knew if they caught her again then she would get another beating. The wounds on her back still hadn't healed from the last time. She didn't mind the beatings she got but she just wanted to be free. As free as you can get down in the Underworld anyway, but in another part of town...

"There you go!" Said Farlan. "That should cover the expenses."

"Oh thank you Sir." Said a woman named Margaret. She bowed politely to both Levi and Farlan. Levi didn't look up as she left but continued to polish his knife in silence.

"You know it wouldn't hurt to be a little less cold." Farlan told his friend sitting down at the round wooden table.

"Tch." Was all Levi said while standing up. He began to walk to the door

"Where are you going?" Asked Farlan following him.

"Out." He opened the door to see a girl with curly black hair come into view. The look on her face was an angry one. Farlan came to stand next to Levi and looked at the girl.

"Who's that?" He asked. Levi didn't know so he said nothing. The girl suddenly stopped running. Then men came out from all angles and surrounded her. Breathing hard she glared at them all. A tall and buff looking man pushed past the crowd and grinned evilly at her.

"Ahh, Scarlett, why must you always run from us? While you are stuck down here you will never be able to get away from us." Scarlett's glare deepened at she looked at the man in front of her. Both of her fists were clenched into a ball and shaking with anger.

"Maybe that's true." She said through gritted teeth. "Maybe I really can't ever escape you, but even so I will never simple lie down and let you take me without a fight." The man laughed loudly at her but Scarlett just continued to glare. Levi and Farlan watched everything unfold from the entrance of their house in complete silence. Levi watched the girl carefully. She was very small but he knew from being small himself that that did not mean someone was weak. Her body was thin but he could see that every muscle was toned. She was a fighter, a warrior. He could tell from the short hair, the fierce look, her confidence even though she was surrounded by men twice her size. She wore black skinny jeans, meaning she could move freely and a black jacket. Her eyes were a stunning deep green colour, standing out against her jet black hair. She was beautiful even Levi couldn't deny that fact but it was something he would never admit out loud. She looked around his age, he was 25, maybe she was a little younger but even so not by much. He man stopped laughing and glared at her.

"You know if most people were disobedient as you, they'd be dead by now. You'r lucky you have such an attractive face and body, wanted by many people. If that was not the case I doubt the boss would let you live." So she was a prostitute, though Levi, just like his Mother, Kuchel. It was clear from one look at the girl though that she did not want to be. She was not one by choice, she was clearly being forced into it. That's why she was running from these men. The thought almost made him want to help her but he stayed put. It was not his job to go around saving girls, it would ruin his repetition. Farlan moved slightly but Levi held him back. Farlan looked at Levi and Levi shook his head, telling his friend to stay put of it. Farlan wasn't happy about it but he did as is leader said and stayed by his side.

"Men are truly disgusting creatures." Scarlett said under her breath but was loud enough to be heard. The comment seemed to enrage the man. He motioned to the men stood behind Scarlett to get her. She saw the motion and whipped around to face them. When they saw her face of thunder they stopped dead in their tracks. A look of fear in their eyes.

"Get her damn it." Shouted their leader. No one moved a muscle. Scarlett smiled cockily at the men in front of her.

"You remember what happened last time you laid a hand on me, don't you?" One of the men nodded slowly and his hand went towards his hip. It was clear to Levi and Farlan that this girl was not to be messed with. She had clearly seriously hurt that man before. Not that either of them would blame her. The way they were treating her, what they were making her do, was disgusting. While the comment about all men being disgusting stuck in Levi's mind he can understand why she would think that. If she had never met a man that was kind to her, it was only natural for her to assume that they were all the same.

"If you don't move she won't be the only one getting a beating." Farlan looked at Levi who remained blank faced as always. Farlan was disgusted, these men were beating his girl. He wanted to help her but he knew that he couldn't take down all those men without Levi's help and Levi was not the kind of man to help. It wasn't because he was heartless but because he had a rough upbringing and taught himself not to care about what was happening around him. It was the best way to live down here. Otherwise one would go crazy trying to help all the dying people that lay on the streets. The comment by the leader of the group seemed to wake them up. Their scared faces became angry ones and they charged at Scarlett, who simply smiled, big mistake she thought...

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