The meeting of Farlan and Levi

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"So, did you find anything out?" Isabel asked Levi when he got inside the house. Farlan and Scarlett were sat on the sofa and Isabel stood in front of him expectantly. His mind was still fuzzy from when he kissed Scarlett. It had felt so natural. It was right, everything about it. She was made to be held by him. His body remembered the feeling of her when they were pressed up against each other. He couldn't stop thinking about it and because of that he was loosing control. That's why he had too pull away from her. If he hadn't things would have gotten out of hand very quickly. Farlan watched Levi closely. He knew his friend well, he knew exactly what had happened out side the door. Isabel was the only one left in the dark about the things that were going on between the three. They planned to keep it that way too. Isabel was only 15 she wasn't ready to know. Plus it was really none of her business.

"Tch, no I didn't." The smile was whipped from Isabel's face.

"So we still have to play it low?"

"Look it's been three days Levi." Said Farlan. "The coast should be clear, and you couldn't find anything out." Levi wasn't listening to his friend at all. He knew what was best for them. Farlan looked to Scarlett. She sighed and looked at Levi.

"Levi." At the sound of her sweet voice calling out to him he began to listen. "You're judgement is better than ours but the cupboards are bare and we have no money left. We were shorter on it than he originally thought."

"We need a job Levi. Even it it is a small one." Said Farlan.

"Have you not thought that that might be their plan? to rat us out like that."

"Yes we have Levi but we don't have much choice." Levi looked from Farlan to Isabel and finally to Scarlett. They were seeking his advice.

"Fine, I will go out tomorrow to look for a job." He tie we and went up the stairs with Isabel closely behind him.

"He kissed you huh?" Asked Farlan when the two where alone.

"Yeah he did. How did you know?" Farlan smiled.

"You might understand Levi better than a lot of people but not quite as well as I do yet. Still I have known the guy for 4 years and he is still as unpredictable as the first time I met him."

"If you don't mind me asking, how did two guys as different as you two meet and become friends?" Farlan smiled fondly at the memory of first meeting Levi Ackerman...


Farlan walked down the crowded streets. People were reaching out to him but he didn't have time to stop and help them. He was looking for someone specific. Levi Ackerman. He was said to be really amazing. He was smart and a really good fighter. If these rumours were true it was Farlan's plan to recruit him into his gang. He needed strong men. Then he saw a man stood, leaning against a wall cleaning a knife with a piece of cloth. He was really sort but his face was no that said 'I will kill you of you come near me.' Could that be him?

"Hey you." Farlan called. The short man with the black hair looked up at him. Farlan noticed that at the bottom of the guys head he had a buzz cut but the top bit was black hair which hung around his face. "Are you Levi Ackerman?" He asked the man.

"So what if I am?" The man's voice was cold and unwelcoming. It was him. Thought Farlan. There was no way his short dude could do all the these be was said to be able to do. Still it wouldn't hurt him to still test the guy. Then Farlan noticed a group of thugs of about nine men walking there way. All of them there twice the size of the guy in front of Farlan. Levi just continued to clean his knife and watch the guy closer.

"Okay, go and take down those guys over there." Said Farlan guests ring towards them. Levi didn't move a muscle. Nobody told him what to do. Farlan was rather shocked that the guy did 't move. People always did as he said before, they did it without question. This guy had really guys standing up to him like that.

"No." Levi said simple. He put away his knife and began to walk away.

"Wait I can pay you." Said Farlan. This caught Levi's attention. The did need money. There was no food in his cupboards at home and he had no way to pay his rent. He turned to face the guy that approached him with a cold stare.

"How much?" Farlan began to dig in all his pockets. He pulled out a wad of money and showed it too Levi.

"How ever much is in there. Is that enough?" The wad was huge and more than enough for food and rent. That would last him months. Where the hell did this guy get all this from and who was he?

"Alright fine." Levi said walking towards the thugs. Farlan decided to stay where he was and watch from a distance. Levi counted nine men. He looked each on up and down, looking for weak spots. He planned to take them out quickly, get his money and leave. The men spotted Levi as he came closer.

"What do you want punk?" Said one of them frowning at Levi. Levi's hand travelled to where he stored ex his knife.

"Hey where talking to you, shortie." Said another. They had just called Levi the wrong name. He hated being called anything to do with his height. Levi brought the knife from behind him and cut the man closest to him. He wailed in pain and true the others ce after him...

Farlan couldn't see exactly what was going on but he saw Levi calmly cutting the men down and them with ease. The same blank expression on his face, it was almost as if he was bored. Farlan looked down at the wad of money still in his hands. He was going to have to give the guy all of it. If he was honest he expected the small guy to be nocked out. What he didn't tell Levi was that the thugs we was attacker were members of ow on the most powerful games in the whole Underground. The called themselves the Reapers. Levi cut down the last guy and walked over to Farlan cleaning his knife as he went. What was it with this guy and cleaning his knife? Levi took the money from Farlan and began to walk away but Farlan followed him. It was clear to him that this guy could not be roped into a gang. He was a nature leader and from everything Farlan had just seen he was a leader he wanted to follow. Farlan found himself wanting to become part of his gang.

"Hey wait let me come with you. I can get you more money from where that came from." Levi stopped moving and frowned at him.

"Why would you want to come with me?"

"Because what you just was amazing."

"And want exactly where your original intentions?"

"I heard about you so I came to try and get you to join gang but I see that you are a leader not someone to follow orders. You earned my respect just now that's why I want to come with you."

"I don't have a gang." Said Levi walking off again. Farlan ran to catch up. They turned a few corners until they came to a flight of stairs. Levi began to climb then but Farlan followed him still.

"You're really starting to get on my nerves." Levi said.

"But listen I can fight well and you seen to be like the guy who needs money I can help you get it. I know guys we can go to who always have jobs open and they pay good money for it." Levi opened the door. The guy was making a fair argument. Farlan looked into Levi's house. It was all neat, tidy and super clean. Levi grabbed the broom and chucked it too Farlan.

"Why have you given me a broom?"

"If you going to stay here you nest learn how to clean right..."

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