Join the thugs!

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Scarlett swept the floors, scrubbed the table and doors, washed the pots and other pottery. Farlan sat on the sofa and watched her move back and forward. She was doing a very good job for someone who had never cleaned before. She was very careful to get every spec of dirt. Levi had been out for about half an hour. Farlan assumed he had gone to get some food. They were nearly out and now they had a new guest in their house they needed some. Farlan had offered to help Scarlett but she had refused him saying that Levi had given the job to her and she alone had to do it to prove to him that she could. Scarlett opened a cupboard and inside she found something she didn't expect.

"Fanlan is this 3DM gear?" He got up and came to stand next to her.

"Yes it is."

"Wow, I have seen the military police use these. They fly through the streets like birds. Does it feel like that? Like your free and nothing can touch you?"

"Yeah I guess it does."

"So did you guys steal these?"

"Yeah we did."

"And why have you got four of them?"

"Spares in case the others break."

"You know I think I remember who you guys are. Levi and Farlan...yeah you guys are thugs right?"

"Yeah, we use the 3DM gear to do jobs and things. It makes eveything so much easier."

"Oh I bet. You know Levi, I can believe is a thug but you seen too nice to be one." Farlan's face turned pink but Scarlett choose not to mention it.

"Thanks. You know if Levi agrees you can join us, I mean you are living with is now so it would make sense."

"Really?" Scarlett's eyes lit up as she looked at Farlan. The cute look on her face made Farlan's cheek heat up even more. "Would I get to use one of them?"

"Of course but Levi has to agree."

"I have to agree to what?" Said Levi's cold face from the door. He placed a bag of food on the round table and crossed his arms, looking at Scarlett's lit up face and Farlan's red cheeks.

"I was telling Scarlett that if you agreed she could learn to use the 3DM gear and join us." Farlan explained. Levi looked around the house.

"You've done a good job." He stated. He looked back at Scarlett's face. He could understand why Farlan was blushing, looking at her face right then he felt like blushing. She was incredibly cute but he would not allow himself to blush. "If you promise to follow my instructions you can join."

"I promise to follow your instructions." Scarlett said.

"Tch! Fine you can help." Levi said with an annoyed tone but really he could help but think about how cute she looked. He however wasn't the only on in the room thinking that. Farlan who had much trouble containing his blush was thinking the same thing. Levi knew this and felt annoyed. The feeling surprised him. He and Farlan had been friends how a long time and there were many a times when Levi was annoyed at him but it was never over a girl.

"We should start now." Said Farlan. "We need our newest member ready to help when the time comes." He turned and picked on of the 3DM gears up.

"Is it hard?" Asked Scarlett.

"Not once you get used to it. First we will have to make sure you can balance on one first. Otherwise when you are using the gear you'll be everywhere and you might hurt yourself."

"Oh, okay. Sounds sensible." Farlan bent down and moved his hands towards Scarlett's legs. Unsure of his intentions she lept back. With one foot in front of the other she looked like she was ready for a fight.

"Wow, Scarlett calm down." Said Farlan with both his hands in the air in a non agressive manner.

"What are you doing?" Scarlett questioned him.

"I need to teach you how to put the equipment on right. I promise I won't hurt you but you're gonna have to trust me." Scarlett looked at him with a frown on her face. She knew that he meant her no harm but still she had a hard time with physical contact, especially with a man. It brought back too many unpleasant memories. Still frowning she slowly stepped towards Farlan again. He began to strap the equipment to her legs. Scarlett stayed completely still but both her fists were clenched. Levi silently looked her up and down. She was clearly not happy about being touched, the thought sparked a little joy in him. He wondered if she would act the same way if it was him doing that instead of Farlan. He did wish it was him there. He wished her was the one strapping her equipment on. Levi shot daggers at Farlan's back as he watched his fingers gently brush her thin thighs.

"Are you done yet? Waiting around is getting tiresome." He said after a while. Levi knew that it didn't take that long to put the equipment on. He and Farlan had been doing it for a long time. They could have done it in their sleep. Farlan was just enjoying the moment, enjoying it far too much in Levi's opinion. Farlan stood up and faced him.

"Yeah, I'm done now." You better be, thought Levi. Scarlett was looking at all the different straps now attached to her legs.

"Let's go then." Levi said walking out the door...

Those born in the dark (Levi love story)Where stories live. Discover now