Thank you

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Scarlett wondered though the streets. She had to find that house again, she had to thank those two guys that lived there. She had placed herself out of their view and seen what they did. The might not have done it for her but she was thankful because she was able to get away because of them. She had followed the injured four in the shadows to see if they were still coming after her but the pansies had called off the hunt and gone home with their tails between their legs. Scarlett knew that they would still be looking for her. She took it that she had about a month before they caught her again. There was only so much time you can stay hidden with you head down. There were people everywhere searching for her, even with her skills she was bound to be found and when she was they would beat her like normal. Eventually she found the house where she had been yesterday. The door was closed but she decided to go and knock anyway. Cautiously she walked up the steps. Come to think of it she had never had the need to say thank you to anyone ever before in her life. Scarlett took a deep breath and knocked loudly on the door.

"I'll get it." She heard a voice say from inside. When the door opened there stood the blond haired man from yesterday. Farlan stared at the small girl in front of him. It took him a little while but then her came to recognise her as the girl from yesterday.

"Your that girl from yesterday right?"

"Yeah I am, I just..."

"Come in, come in." He said cutting her off and opening the door wider. Scarlett saw the black haired man with the black expression on his face. He was sat at the table drinking what looked like coffee. The way he held the cup was very strange. He cupped it in a clawed hand surrounding the top of the cup. Then he sipped from the space between his thumb and his index finger. Scarlett unwillingly stepped in, she hadn't been expecting to go in. Their house was small but very clean, with two sofa's near the entrance, and two wooden tables. One at the far end of the room where the man was sat was round and the one closest to the door was a rectangular shape. Farlan shut the door behind her which made Scarlett panic silently. She hated shut doors, they made her feel trapped and what was worse is that she was trapped in a strange house with two men. If her past experiences told her anything it's that a situation like that was never good for her. Farlan came and stood in front of her and stuck his hand out towards her.

"I'm Farlan Church and that's Levi Ackerman." Scarlett mentally sighed, she didn't want introductions too. Gingerly her shook his hand, she hated physical contract.

"Scarlett. Just Scarlett." She let go of his hand. "Anyway I just came over to say thank you for what you did yesterday. If it wasn't for you guys they probably would have caught me." She nervously looked at the floor. Levi and Farlan exchanged a look. Levi was surprised at her thank you.

"We didn't do it for you." He told her in a cold tone. This girl might be cute but he wasn't about to let his walls down.

"I thought as much but still I simply had to come and thank you. I'll be taking my leave now." Scarlett turned to leave.

"Wait!" Said Levi. Scarlett stopped and looked back at him. "Where are you going?"

" where really." Scarlett answered.

"You don't have a home to go to?" Asked Farlan.

"No, no I don't. I live on the streets." Farlan and Levi exchange another look and he put his cup down and stood up.

"If your going to stay here you best start cleaning." He said as he past her. Scarlett's eyes widened. Was he offering to let her stay there with them? Levi opened the door to leave. "I want this place spotless by the time I come back." Then he closed the door and was gone. Scarlett stared blankly at the door where he had just been a second ago.

"Um, he can be like that sometimes. He's a clean freak."

"I don't know what to say." Scarlett whispered slightly.

"You don't have to say anything. Listen you know full well if you stay of the streets by yourself they will find you again."

"I know but I didn't expect this." Farlan laughed.

"You're very cute. You didn't even question why you were being asked to clean."

"If your being kind enough to share your home with a stranger like me then I won't ever question anything you ask me to do. I have never had to clean before but I'll do my best."

"Good luck cleaning to Levi's standers."

"Are they really that high?"

"Take a look around. That should answer your question."

"Good point. What am I meant to clean? This place it already spotless." Farlan grabbed a broom from the corner of the room and held it out to her.

"You can make a start with sweeping the floor..."

Those born in the dark (Levi love story)Where stories live. Discover now