You picked the wrong girl to mess with!

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The first guy that charged at Scarlett was taken down when Scarlett's right fists met his face. The guys tooth fell out and rolled onto the floor. His nose was bleeding heavily, the lay on the floor cupping it in his hands. The others stopped running at her and stared at the damage she had done with just one punch. Farlan and Levi who were still watching were shocked at her too. Farlan's mouth was open slightly and his eyes were widened. Levi's face remained as it always was.

"Alright then lads." Said Scarlett. "This is how this is going to play out. That one's not gonna get back up because he's a wimp and needs to grow some balls. The other five of you of, a different story. After I take out the leader which is you." She said pointing to the biff man who had insulted her. "Two more of you will try to prove your loyalty, after they have been knocked out the other to will run like little girls."

"Huh, I wouldn't be so confident." Said one of the men on her right. Scarlett turned and glared at him. He face seemed to sink slightly under one of her death glares.

"Why not? This has happened countless times before and it's always the same with you scum bags, so I can afford to be confident." Then she turned and punched the leader hard in the stomach. He bent over in pain and Scarlett round house kicked him in the face. Wailing he feel to the floor and she turned to the remaining four men. One pulled out a knife and another stepped forward, while the other two stayed put. Scarlett shrugged.

"Well at least we know who is who now." The one with the knife raised it and came towards her. Scarlett calmly stopped his hand with the knife in it with her right hand. She pulled him closer and glared at him. Their faces were so close that their noses were almost touching. Everything was silent for a few seconds and then there was a loud crack of bones breaking. The man yelled out in pain and the knife fell to the floor with a loud clatter. Scarlett let go off his hand and she brought her arm in front of her. Then she elbowed the man in the face with all her might. He fell backwards and was knocked unconscious as his head hit the floor. The other man who stepped froward unarmed looked terrified but still he made his attack. He bought his foot up to Scarlett's head level but she grabbed the ankle. The man tried to take it back but Scarlett's grip was to tight and he could not move it. Then Scarlett grabbed his in er thigh and threw him into the air. He did a 360 degree turn and the fell flat on his face. Scarlett turned to face the other 2 who where staring at their fallen comrades and Scarlett.

"Boo!" Shouted Scarlett stepping forward. The 2 jumped and then just as Scarlett said they would, they turned and legged it down the road. Then there was a sound off a lot of footsteps down the road. Scarlett turned and sighed at the sight. More men coming after her, as if she hadn't had enough already. She needed to get out of her. She turned towards the steps and saw Levi and Farlan watching her. She guessed from the look on the face of the blonde one that they had seen everything. The man next him very short, he looked only slightly taller than her. He stared down at her with a blank expression. She nimbly jumped onto the wall, ran up it, did a backflip onto a roof and was gone from their sight. The second group of men who had been chasing her came into their view. They looked at the five men that were bleeding on the ground.

"She must still be close by." Said a very tall man with black hair and a scar down his face. It ran all the way down the left side of his face. It looked like it was done with a knife. He spotted Levi and Farlan stood in the doorway. He ran up the steps closely followed by the three other men that came with him.

"Have you seen a small girl with black hair and green eyes? She would have been the one responsible for that." He asked then whilst pointing down at the four groaning men beneath them. Farlan looked at Levi for guidance at what to do. Levi stared blankly at the man saying nothing. Farlan noticed his hands move slightly behind him. Quietly he took out the newly polished knife from his back pocket. Farlan slowly did the same, knowing the plan. The man with the scar moved towards Levi, knowing that he was the leader of the two.

"Now come on little man, help is out a little here." He said with a sick smile and her placed one of his over sized hands on Levi's head. Levi glared at him and then in one swift move he brought the knife around from his back and cut the man's forearm. He man cupped his bleeding forearm and glared at Levi. He brought his bloody fist up to punch him but Farlan kneed him in the stomach before he could make contact. The man toppled back and fell down the stairs. The other three men were all crushed under his weight. One of them smashed his head on the wall behind them and it was bleeding heavily, another landed on his leg funny and it broke and the last was winded heavily. The all wailed like babies in the pain. Then the man with the scared face stood up but didn't move towards the two who were calmly watching the drama unfold.

"All of you get up now." He ordered the scarred face one still holding his still bleeding forearm. The winded one and the one that banged his head got up to help the one that broke his leg because he couldn't walk.

"Don't think this is over punks." Said the scarred one glaring at the two. Then they went down the steps still moaning in pain, turned the corner and were gone...

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