Isabel learns to fly

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After another day of working hard Isabel had finally cracked it. She could do it, she could balance. Now she could fly with the others. She could be as free as a bird, she could join the people she respected, help then in anyway that she could. Isabel fly through the street, soaring high above everything. The streets were far below her, the city was right beneath her feet. Soon she was joined by Scarlett. How looked happy to be using the gear again, happy to be free.

"This is amazing." Isabel shouted.

"Yeah. I'll race you, first one home wins." Isobel smiled.

"Your on." Then together the whizzed in the direction on home. Levi and Farlan were just below them. Using their 3DM gear in a more sensible way than the two girls, but then again they had been using them for a lot longer. The amazing sensation of flying had warn off for them but for the girls it was still fresh, still a novelty. Levi looked up to see Scarlett flying high above them. He looked watching her use her 3DM gear, she was always so majestic. Like she was simple born to use one and the smile that was on her face when she was flying through the air, it was something he could never get bored of.

"Looks like their racing home. What to join in?" Asked Farlan. Levi looked back at him and the sped up. Farlan smiled, it was rare to see Levi join in with something he didn't have too. The four of them whizzed through the streets. Isabel happily waved at the people below her, some waved back but most didn't. Isabel was incredibly cheerful for someone born in the Underground. It was unusual to see but Isabel was happier than she had ever been. She felt safe with the three people around her, she felt like she had a family. Isabel knew from a young age that family didn't only apply to those who shared your blood, especially not in the world in which she lived in. Isabel lost her balance slightly and fell down towards the ground. Scarlett quickly fly down, Isabel fell straight into a stall. The owner shouted angrily at her. Levi and Farlan landed next to him and the man took one look at Levi's face of thunder and shut up.

"Are you okay Isabel?" Scarlett asked helping her up.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said holding her right shoulder. "I think I hurt my shoulder though."

"We've got company." Said Farlan. Scarlett, Levi and Isabel looked behind them and saw four members of the military police coming after them. Levi glared at Isabel, this was her fault for breaking the stall. Scarlett met Levi's gaze, she silently was asking him of the plan.

"Scarlett and Isabel you go right, Farlan and I will go the other way. Two will follow you and the other two will follow us." He explained.

"And what do we do after that?" Asked Isabel. Levi shot daggers at her but didn't answer the question. He and Farlan shot off, knowing that Scarlett knew what to do.

"Come on!" Scarlett said to Isabel.

"Wait what's going on? What they plan?"

"The plan it too take them down and get away."

The Military police did exactly what Levi said they would. Two followed him and Farlan and the other two followed Isabel and Scarlett.

"Isabel you still with me?" Called out Scarlett as she couldn't see her.

"Yeah I'm right behind you. What the plan?"

"You stay in front I'm going behind."

"What? How are you gonna do that?"

"Just trust me okay?" Isabel nodded. Scarlett used her 3DM gear to fling herself high in the air. The two Military police officer weren't expecting this and carried on moving forwards. Scarlett did a roll backwards and shot both of her grapple hooks into the buildings opposite each other. She was now right behind the two officers. The looked back at her with a rather scared expression on their face but before they could react Scarlett shot herself forward. Lifting her feet in the air she kicked then both in the back. They both screamed and lost control of their gear and fell straight towards the ground. Scarlett sped up and rejoined Isabel.

"That was awesome."

"Thanks." But something was bothering Scarlett, she had to get home and tell the others. If she was right the four of them might be in some serious trouble...

Those born in the dark (Levi love story)Where stories live. Discover now