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-----Erin’s POV-----

Yesterday was a lot of fun, just chilling in bed with a book and the BAE, but now I have to get to work. I gingerly got up and took a shower. I let the hot water run down my body, letting every muscle and nerve relax before I started to think about my ghosts. And no not ghosts as in dead people but ghosts as in the memories that follow me around and weigh me down.

And my biggest ghost, that resembles a demon than a ghost was the first time ever saw Sir.


“Be careful!” Isabel whispered to me as I got closer and closer to the ware house. I knew that if I got in trouble I could be in grave danger. As I was just about to enter the ware house someone exited. He shoved the door open so that it nearly hit me in the face, but I quickly moved so that it just missed me.

I was still recovering from the door almost hitting me in the face when I first made I contact with him. My blood ran cold and I went speechless. I Froze, worried about what he would do, but he ignored me and kept walking, back then I thought that he was trying to get out of whatever they were talking about but now I’m not so sure about that. Even though I nearly just got caught my Sherlock inside me told me to keep on going.

After successfully sneaking my way into the building I was able to hear what these people were talking about. One guy who looked to be the oldest kept on talking about a crazy idea of taking over the world. But he couldn’t convince the others in the circle to join him. It wasn’t long before he was the last person standing there, no one would listen so they left, and of course me being me I accidently let out a loud sneeze. I don’t remember much after that. I remember me bolting out the door grabbing Isabel and running the 1 KM walk home, I usually wouldn’t have been able to run anything like that but the fear of being caught by some guy whose planning world domination scared me enough to give me the energy to do it. I don’t remember it very well, but the memory still haunts me when I try to sleep at night.


“Fuck!” I shouted as I felt cold water go threw me like spears. I turned off the running water and stepped out of the shower. I rinsed the rest of the conditioner out by the sink and got dressed in my uniform.

Before I was about to leave I heard someone knocking at my door. I quickly opened the door not wanting them to wait for too long. “Hey, Niall. What’s up” I cheered. He didn’t look me in the eye.

“Um, Liam sent me to get you.” The mension of his name made my mouth go dry and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I nodded. I stepped outside and closed the door. I followed Niall Down the hall to the elevator.

When we got to Sir’s office I realised it was the same one as the other day. Niall opened the door for me and let me go in first, even though his sweet gesture was kind, I didn’t want to be the first one to enter the room.

“Good morning, Sir” I said as I entered the room.

“Shut up!” he snapped

“Why weren’t you at the triple shift yesterday?” he asked

“What?” I asked.

“Pardon, sir?” I quickly fixed my mistake.

“You heard me, Bitch!” He said getting out of his chair.

“I was informed that I didn’t have a shift that day.” I didn’t realise I was biting my lip until I tasted blood in my mouth.

“Oh, really?” I nodded my head instead of speaking.

“By who?” He asked. I froze, I couldn’t tell him that Harry told me. We’d both be punished.

“I take full responsibility, Sir” I say loudly and clearly.

“If you tell me who did it you won’t be punished.” He told me, although the offer was tempting I knew I couldn’t rat Harry out like that even if we were in the middle of a fight right now. I’m pretty sure that he doesn’t even have a room so I don’t know what Sir could possibly do to him.

“No sir, It was my fault.” I look him in the eyes, but this time I don’t feel like fainting.

“Hm, loyal, and stupid. As usual you’ll be getting a punishment.” He said pouring himself a cup of whisky.

“But we all know how much you hate punishments, so I think I permanent punishment would be more suitable, so that you won’t be able to get out of it like the last.” He says and takes a sip.

“What do you mean sir?” I ask.

“Did I give you permission to speak?” he said.

“I think you should be downgraded.” I was about to open my mouth to say something but I quickly shut my mouth before anything could spill out.

“I think you should go back to cleaning.” He smirked. I frowned and looked down. I liked cleaning more than cooking but I had more friends in cooking, and at least in cooking I could chat with other people when I cooked instead of being all by myself.

“You can have the rest of today off. Your old uniform will be delivered and tomorrow you will start your maid duties, you will be sent what rooms you have to clean by your tracking device. If you have any questions about where the rooms are ask John in the second floor’s office. He will also assign what rooms you have to clean. Understand.” I nodded my head.

“Good, now leave.” He said sharply and I complied.

 I was lost in thought as I made my way back to my room. Luckily Isabel wasn’t there, I didn’t feel like talking now. I took my uniform off for the last time and put on some tracky dackies (Sweat’s, the long, comfortable pants, for anyone who isn’t Australian) and a T-shirt that was way too big for me. I took off all my makeup and crawled into bed putting all my focus into trying not crying.

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