Isabel's lunch date

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-----Isabel's POV--------

'I'm so tired of this shit'. I think to myself as I fold another pile of clothes. I've been doing this for four hours now and my hands and arms were so tired. 'Better than maid duty'. I smiled at myself and held back a giggle. I wonder if Erin actually cleans the rooms, she can't even fold clothes properly so I doubt that she can clean an entire room by herself.

I felt to hands clamp down on my hips and someone scream 'RAWR' in my ear.

"You didn't jump." Louis rests his head on my shoulder and looks at my face.

"I don't scare easily." I turned my head to smile at him. He smiled back at me and I couldn't help but stare in his amazing blue eyes.

"So anyway, I was wondering for your break, if you would want to grab some lunch?" He asked me.

"Sure, my break should be any minute." I finish the pile of laundry and move on to grab the next.

"Or we could go now?" He grabbed my hands and stopped me from grabbing the next load.

"I don't want to get into trouble." I frowned at him. If someone were to find out that I was leaving my shifts early I could get into big trouble.

"Don't worry about that." Louis spun me around and moved my hands around so that we were doing weird dance.

"I'm sorry but you're going to have to wait." I smiled and turned my back to him so that I could continue with my work. I heard Louis 'humph' and I saw him cross his arms in the reflection of the machine that was next to my head. I laughed at him and continued folding the towels on my table.

"You know you could get the lunch while I finish my work." I looked up to see his reflection.

"Fine." He mumbled something else after that as he made his way out of the room but I didn't hear what he had to say.

-----Louis's POV-------

I looked down at the sandwich I held in my hand. It had chicken, melted cheese, carrots and lettuce on it. Disgusting. But I remember Isabel telling me she liked it on our date so I figured I'd surprise her. As I made my way back to the laundry room I could see Isabel standing next to the door, I'm not sure how long I took but it must have been long enough for her shift to end.

"Hey." I smiled at her.

"Hey." She smiled back and walked over to me.

"Where do you want to eat?" I asked.

"In the hallways always good." She said walking in the direction to the dooms.

"Really?" I've never ate in the hallways. I always eat in my room or at the dining room, but slaves weren't allowed to eat in the dining room so they probably ate in the hallways or bathrooms or something like that, I don't know.

"Yeah, were else." She turned her head at me and gave me a questioning look. I shrugged my shoulders and followed Isabel. She took us to a hallway that didn't have anybody in it and she took a seat on the ground. She patted the ground next to her and I hesitated a little before sitting on the ground next to her. I handed her the sandwiches I packed for our lunch.

"My favourite!" she smiled up at me pulling out the sandwich from the paper bag.

"Still warm." She smiled as she pulled the sleeves on her jacket down. I knew that a jacket isn't aloud and that you were only allowed to wear makeup and the uniform we gave you but I wasn't going to pull her up on it. That was the fake job I had, to write people up when they didn't follow the rules, but I only did it when Isabel or Erin were around.

"Here." I wrapped my arm around Isabel to keep her warm. The floors the slaves work and live on are never properly air conditioned, I think Liam has it like that on purpose. He'd probably have them working and living outside if it wouldn't freeze them to death.

"Thank you." She smiled and continued eating her sandwich.

"Are you going to eat yours?" she asked.

"I had a big breakfast." I was not about to eat to stale pieces of bread with a slice of what I can only guess, ham on it anytime soon. She looked at me a bit funny. Fuck, I forgot. Slaves get a slice of toast for breakfast if they're lucky. Fuck. This time she didn't shrug it off but kept the confused look on her face.

"So how's life?" I asked changing the topic. She gasped and flung her hand to hit me in the chest.

"You'll never guessed what happened last night. Harry kissed Erin." Her eyes were wide open and so were mine, but in confusion not excitement.

"What?" I asked.

"Well he tried to, but Erin moved her head and pushed him off of her and this morning Erin told me that Harry was going to try and 'fix' them, I think Harry's starting to really like Erin but Erin's really hesitant after what harry's put her though, with the whole downgrade thing getting into fights with her lately. I stared back at her not saying a word. Are you fucking joking, I've been holding back my feelings while Harry's been fucking falling in love with Erin, and he didn't even try to fucking hide it or tell me. I can't believe him I thought we were friends, but I guess I was wrong.

I've been doing everything in my power to keep on making Isabel fall for me, without having myself fall for her and he's just been doing whatever the fuck he wants. I could be in an actual real relationship with Isabel by now but I held everything back. I feel so stupid. I should know that I couldn't trust Harry when we made the pact, we only just met.

Maybe he's friends with Liam and he's doing this to me for fun. That makes no sense, my brain feels so clouded right now, I can't think straight from all the betrayal going on. I wish I had someone to tell this to and I do, I could tell Isabel. But if Isabel finds out that me and Harry were hired to pretend to fall in love with them to get the secret out of them she'll never talk to me again. I need to talk to Harry and see what the fuck is going on. "I gotta go" I pushed myself of the wall and left.

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