Rose and Jack

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(Unedited, love you :)  :* )

—————Harry's POV———

I wrap the small towel around my body. These towels are always tiny and never go fully around my body.

I open the bathroom door and start walking to my closet. I already know what I'm going to wear. I pull out a pair of skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. I let the towel drop to the ground and grab a fresh pair of boxers.

With one foot in my boxers I hear someone open the door than slam it shut... Please, don't be, Liam. I hear the springs in my bed squeak and some rustling of the sheets.

I quickly put on all my clothes and give my hair a quick towel dry. I peak my head out to see who it is. I can see her long blonde hair poking out from under the covers and I can only imagine what's upset her.

I walk over to the bed and sit down next to her. I start twirling her hair in between my fingers.

"You okay, Babe." She shook her head, well at least I think she did.

"What's wrong?" She didn't move or say anything.

"You know you can tell me anything." I lay down next to and rest one arm over her body.

"I love you." It comes out kind of desperate but I don't care. I just don't want her to be mad at me. She grabs my hand and brings it to her chest. I feel her fingers tracing over the cross on my hand. I know she's upset but this moment feels perfect.

This is what I want. Just me and Erin spending time together. No one interrupting us and neither of us yelling or fighting with the other.

"If we had the chance to get out of here would you take it?" She asked me. She sniffled and I could tell she was frustrated or mad. She always cries when she's mad or frustrated.

I moan an 'I don't know' and she sits up, the covers no longer hiding her face.

"There's a chance I could get out of here and I want you to come with me." She isn't thinking about what she's saying. I know if she was she wouldn't be as forward, she likes to beat around the bush to try and make things lighter.

"And when would this happen, exactly?" I ask but there's no point, I won't go. I don't want Erin to hear about the reputation I have outside of here.

She looked up into my eyes innocently and I can see how watery her eyes are, they are no longer a shade of green or blue but more of a dull grey. "Roughly tomorrow night."

"What!" I yell. I sit up, no longer holding her. There's no way I'm going or letting her go with out me.

"I'm not going." My voice is loud and stern. I stand up off the bed and cross my arms.

"But I don't want to leave without you." A tear runs down her cheek. She quickly wipes it away pretending that it never happened.

"Then don't." I don't like putting her in this situation but I don't want to go and I don't want to be apart from her. I turn around and head for the door.

"Where are you going?" She gets up from the bed and walks up behind me.

"Away from you."

"You can't just walk away from this, Harry." She stops following me and stands still, her voice now stern.

"I know." I say it more to myself than to her. I know this is selfish but one day she'll understand.


Heyy. So like usual nothing to say. Don't forget to Vote and Comment and I'll see you guys later. LOVE YOU.



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