Whats made of Isabel

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-----Isabel's POV-----

"Stay safe!" Sarah, my roommate, shouted as I stepped out of our apartment flat. I closed the door behind me and started walking down the stairs with a hop in my step. I was still being careful though, ain't trynna kill myself on dez steps.

As I made it to the last steps I looked at my reflection in the glass doors to the building I live in. I wasn't' wearing any makeup, which made me smile. After being forced to everyday I never want to see it again. I'm wearing white jeans and black boots that went a little over my ankle. It was a cold day so I was wearing my roommate's Sarah's Jacket. We have grown very close so I know she doesn't mind me wearing her stuff. This outfit also covered my tattoos. Liam has everyone looking for me so I needed a disguise. I have a big red tattoo of a flowers on my back with their sharp thorns showing, I liked the edgy look it gave me. I had a North, East, West and South tattoo on my wrist. But it had a feather where the West should be and it had a compass in the middle. I also changed my hair colour to a purpley-grey colour. I also now wear green eye contacts, just to be safe. I had a little hand bag that rested over my shoulder that kept my phone and wallet in it. The café I work at lets you wear almost anything as long as you wear your name tag and apron with it. It's nice to wear whatever I want any time I want. A smile made its way on my face as I stepped out of the building.

I pulled on the door and stepped outside. It was cold today but not too cold which I was thankful for. I don't have a car so I have to walk to work every day. I pulled my jacket closer to me to keep in my warmth. I didn't pay attention to the faces that passed me as I drifted off in my own head.

I didn't mind my job. It wasn't amazing but it wasn't bad. I'm a waitress at a café. I don't know what drew me to that place when I was looking for a place to work. I guess I just like the atmosphere. It's unlike what you would think a café would feel like, it's not quiet or calm, and it's uplifting an exciting. When you walk in there it feels like you just entered a party full of all your friends and someone's telling a funny or exciting story to a crowd of people about you. You feel comfortable there, which I like.

I also like how much it pays. For making cups of coffee and serving people little treats it does pay quiet well. I'm only a couple more pay checks until I can afford my own apartment. Not that I don't want to live with Sarah or something, I just want to know what it's like to live alone. It sounds kind of scary but I think I can protect myself.

I pulled open the door to the café, I didn't think much about my surrounding, I only had one person in my mind. I walked past the groups of people and the other waitresses and made my way past the counter. I opened the door that separated the café to the manager's office.

"Hey, Damien." I say sweetly. The blonde haired boy looked up from his desk and into my eyes. I took note of how his chocolate brown eyes looked today.

"Hey, Bree." He tried to hide his smile and ended up blushing. He looked back down at his desk trying to hide his nervousness from me. I wish I could tell him my real name, but a girl can't be too safe.

"Cya." I smiled back and quietly closed the door.

I could feel myself blushing. I must admit I always kinda liked him. I don't know why. He's very sassy, almost as sassy as me.

I thought about Damien and his sassiness for the rest of my shift. Just something about him gets me going.

"Here you go, sir. Sorry for the wait." I put the plate of food in front of the man, he wasn't waiting that long but I still apologized. He was the last person of the day and I'm glad I can take my apron off and go home and relax.

I went behind the counter and took off my apron. I put it on one of the hooks and jumped at the voice of someone saying 'Hey', I slowly turned around, surprised to see him standing behind me.

"Hey, Damien." I laughed nervously.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that."

"It's fine." I smile.

"So I was wondering, do you want to head out and go grab some dinner?" He asked casually.

"Now?" I blushed.

"Why not." He shrugged his shoulders and smirked at me.

"Okay." I smiled at him.

"Come." He simply stated then started walking away. I followed him, matching my footsteps to his. He walked me outside and to his car. He opened the car door for me and I gladly hoped in. he had a regular white car, not to fancy, not to trashy.

He hoped into the driver's seat and started the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll have to wait and see." He warmly smiled at me. I smiled back at him and leant back in my seat.

When he pulls up in front of a little café I feel warmth flood my heart. You could hear voices from inside laughing and chuckling, you could hear the sounds of forks and knifes clanking on plates. There were a couple of tables outside, one or two of them were empty and the lights creating a warm glow that lit up the entire place. It looked like something out of a French movie.

"We're here." He chanted. I smiled over to him. He hoped out of the car and quickly jogged to my side.

He swiftly opened the car door.

"May I take your hand?" He pulled his hand up in front of him, waiting for me to put my hand in his. But I couldn't. I was frozen. It was like he disappeared. The sound of the café slowly drifting away, with the sudden realisation of the guilt that I had buried to try and keep myself sane.

I left Erin alone with Harry and Liam. I left Louis, my love, on the ground, moaning in agenizing pain. I left them, to rot. For my own selfish needs. Is this the real me. Is this who I truly became to escape slavery?

"Isabel!" Damien shook me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Take me home." I said.


"Take me home now!" I yell.


YOooo. Wasup. Nothing much to say so like usual don't forget to Vote and Comment. Love you.



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