Watchen TV

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-----------Erin’s POV----------

I turned off the TV in room 22. I just finished cleaning this pig sty so I thought I would congratulate myself on all my hard work with a TV break. An hour a half TV break to be exact, I didn’t realise I sat there watching TV for that long of course but I can’t change the past, even if I could I don’t think I would anyway.

 “I’m trying to get the information out of her but so many things are getting in the way.” I hear I deep raspy voice from right outside the door say. I only knew one person with that voice so I instantly connected it to Harry. I pressed my ear up against the hard and cold metal.

What does he mean getting the information out and who’s ‘her’. I felt the dots connect in my head and my brain getting warmer with realisation. Is this why he’s hanging out with me, did he over hear something, and now he just wants to know what’s happening, or is something bigger happening here that I’m just not getting. Is he just using me, or am I just over reacting. My head felt cloudy with all the mixed emotions and thought’s going through my mind.

“Like what?” A higher pitched but smooth voice said. I wasn’t very familiar with this voice but I can only presume that it was Louis’s voice I was hearing. Before I knew it the feeling of cold metal against the side of my head was replaced by the warmth of air and I could no longer hear two people having a conversation.

“What are you doing here?” Louis asked me questionably. I straightened my spine so that the top half of my body was no longer twisted to my side.

“Cleaning, what are you doing here?” I repeated to Louis. His face went from angry to emotionless in a matter of seconds.

“We were just looking for Niall.” He smiled. I crossed my arms and glared at him, he was not a good liar.

“Oh, Really?” I ask. My head was still feeling cloudy.

“Yeah, so, um, I gotta go keep searching for Niall, but I’ll see you later, yeah.” He walked off leaving Harry and me alone.

“What were you two talking about before you opened the door?” I asked, if what I’m thinking is right and Harry is using me for something, He has a lot to of fucking explain to do.

“What do you mean?” Harry asks innocently. I knew that yelling at him or getting angry wasn’t going to get me anywhere so I let the fire in my eyes die down a little and as soon as I did that I felt my body temperature get colder and my posture relaxing.

“About ‘getting the information out of her’.” I sound as if I’m complain more than anything. He seemed a little taken back by my new attitude, I had a habit of getting calm when I was pissed.

“Um.” He said.

“Um?” I repeat.

“Well?” I ask him getting impatient.

“It’s not what you think.” Harry said getting all flustered, I could tell that he as thinking of a lie to tell me.

“Just tell me what you meant by information.” I pleaded. I was so exhausted from cleaning and having to deal with everything, I just really didn’t want to get into a fight with harry, and I honestly don’t want to find out if he’s been using me to get information out of, and information about what. Is it possible that this is about what I heard in that ware-house.

“Some slaves said that you were friends with Liam.” Harry brought me out of my thoughts. He didn’t look me in the eyes but rather at his feet when I glanced up at him.

“What?” I asked, wondering what he was talking about.

“I was talking to um… someone-“ ‘Niall’, my thoughts said interrupting him. “And they said that Liam has seen you or met you before, I thought you were friends with him, I wanted to find out for sure.” I stood there, arms still crossed, staring back at him blankly.

“So this entire time I thought that you were getting close to me you just wanted to see if I was best friends with our slave owner so that you could what, get special treatment or some shit?” I opened my arms out and my voice cracked, I didn’t know why I was getting so upset, I guess after knowing him for almost a year I actually started to like him.

“It’s not like that.” He said crossing his arms, his voice got low and I could tell he was getting mad.

“That’s sure not what it seems like.” I laugh, even though I can’t see properly because of the amount of water in my eyes. He stood in front of me, I know he had an emotion on his face but I couldn’t see his face properly.

“Ever since I met you, all you’ve done is fuck up my life, if it wasn’t for you I’d still be on kitchen duty and I wouldn’t be stuck here cleaning peoples rooms.” I say, it seemed much harder than it looked because the lump in my throat got in the way of my words. And I know it was low to bring this up, and I wasn’t even mad at him anymore, I just wanted him to feel how I felt right now.

“Hey if it wasn’t for me you would never have even gotten to kitchen duty.” Harry pointed his finger at me, I would have thought he was mad at me if I didn’t hear his voice crack.

------Harry’s POV-------

“Hey if it wasn’t for me you would never have even gotten to kitchen duty.” I pointed my finger at Erin accusingly but quickly took it back when I heard my voice crack at the end. I shouldn’t be this emotional about it, I shouldn’t be so upset right now, I shouldn’t even care. If Louis or Liam found out about this they’ll both kill me.

And I mean really out of all the fucking lies I came up with that, was that really the best I could do.

“What?” She asked me. I could see the tears in her eyes and I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen a frown that big.

“Don’t worry!” I shout. Why am I shouting? Before she could say something in return we both heard a buzzing. We both looked to her tracking bracelet. Mine doesn’t worked which is why it never went off.

“Shift over.” She sniffled. She looked up at me, waiting for me to say something. After me not saying a word she started to walk off.

“Wait!” I called after her. I was expecting her to turnaround and snap at me like a normal person but instead she slowly turned around and mumbled something that was too quiet to be audible.

“Can we talk about this, tomorrow? You have Thursday’s off right?” I asked her, I don’t hear a response from her, she just stares at me with those adorable green eyes of hers.

“Please, I can pick you up at lunch, we can grab something from the kitchen and we can go to the library.” I beg. She shrugs her shoulders and continues to walk away.

“I’ll knock on your door tomorrow to see if you want to go, okay?” I shout out to her. I didn’t know if she even heard me, she was so far away. Fuck what I am going to do. Why did I say that? Why was she cleaning that room in particular? Do I really like her? I can’t like her though, I’ll get into so much trouble, plus I made a pact with Louis not to fall for them. But I can’t help my feelings. I can see Louis forgiving me but Liam is heartless and will never be able to forgive me. He’s not capable of forgiveness. How am I going to explain all of this to Erin? Will she even want to hang out with me after this or will she just tell me to fuck off?


Hey, important thing to say. i have a version of this story on a website called Journalister. What makes that website different to this is that in a month or so there going to add advertisments so that the people who write storys can get some money out of it. They haven't added them yet, but if you could still check out my story using this link, , it would be really helpful. you don't have to actually rea it but it would mean so much to me. You could also add your own story to it and make your own money off of it which is really cool. 

I’M REALLY SORRY I WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS TIRED SO IT’S PROBABLY NOT AS GOOD AS ALL MY OTHERS I’M SO SORRRYYYY, but anyway heyy how you guys doing. That’s great okay soyou know what to do vote and coment, and like always’s I LOVE YOOOOUUUU!!!!!!



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