| 2 ~ Falling hard.|

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I ran to the canteen to grab my hot lunch and hurriedly went upstairs to meet my friends up top at the roof. I burst onto the roof, looking around with my heart thudding.

"Ponk!" Tommy hollered from a spot near the vending machines, next to the tall chain fence bordering the rooftop. I made my way over and sat down, taking deep breaths to calm my heart rate.

"Hey Tommy." I clutched onto my tray in case he would knock it over.

"Ayup!"  Tommy aggressively covered the spot next to him, which was where I was heading to sit down. I froze and glared at him. He just looked back up at me with a stupid grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and sat down where I was.

I opened my sandwich out of its tin foil and stared at it for a while, my mind a jumbled mess of the 6'2 figure who sat next to me in biology.

"Big man? Ponk? What's with the mood?" Tommy heartily patted my back.

"OUGH-! I'm fine! I was just thinking about something." I grumbled and bit into my sandwich.

I heard something being thrown and I looked up. I couldn't react in time and I saw a blur of yellow and it smacked into my face.

"OW!" I yelped as the bag of crisps fell into my lap. I heard Tommy wheezing and laughing. I also heard more laughter that was drawing closer.

"OHMIGOD Ponk are you okay?!" Tubbo yelled as he ran over and checked my face.

"Oh.. Hey Tubs. I'm fine." I gently swatted Tubbo's hand away.

"I didnt mean to hit you square in the face- You can keep the crisps." Tubbo sat down in their small circle.

"You could do that more often!" Tommy joked. I slapped his back and he fell forward with a OURH.

"Thanks, Tubs. Wheres everyone else?" I scanned the roof for a certain duo.

"Oh. Dream and George decided decided to go and greet the new student. Sam was it?" Tommy bit into his burger.

"Oh- Um- Yeah Sam it was." I looked down, Feeling a rosy blush develop in my cheeks. I also felt my ears going red.

"Ooohhhhhhh~ someone's in LooOOOOO-" Tommy got cut off by me slapping him in the back.

"Shut up! I'm not in love! He's new so I don't remember or know much about him!" I grumbled.

"HAGUHAH- Okay! Okay!" Tommy and Tubbo both fell over laughing while all he wanted to do was throw them both off the roof.

I continued to eat my sandwich while we chatted with each other. But during the entirety of lunch so far, I kept thinking about Sam in the middle of our conversations. Again.

I tried, Really, To block him out. But I just couldn't! His-

"PONK!! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!" Tommy yelled in my face, Causing me to fall over.

"AHHHH- IM UP IM UP!!" I sat back up with a huff, which is when I saw someone walk over and stood next to me.

"Hey- Ponk is it?" The figure asked.

"Sam?!" I blurted, craning my neck to look up at him.

He sat down and chuckled, But I was confused.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Tommy invited me." Sam punched Tommy's shoulder, Who had a mischievous smile planted on his face.

"Tommy..?" Ponk asked nervously.

"Oh noo! Tubbo and I remembered we have to go see the others!" Tommy pulled Tubbo onto his feet and they both ran into the school, laughing.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE YOU SON OF A-" I groaned and buried my head into my hands.

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