Chapter 19 - Prison Warden

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His office wasn't very... Lets just say the decoration was sparse. but then again, It was a prison after all. Sam was going into a chamber in the corner of the room once in a while and doing something at his desk.

"What are you doing?" I finally asked. My curiosity was killing me.

"Something. I'm trying to find ways to heighten the security of the prison." He said without looking back. I flopped onto the couch with a sigh.

"Okay, Well... What do i do here?" I turned to face Sam, Lacing my fingers together and resting them on my stomach.

"Keep me company. Feel free to ask me anything." He waved his hand in a dismissive gesture.

"Wait- Is it a Friday or Saturday tomorrow?" He snorted.

"Saturday of course." I sat up. Looks like the week had gone by already. Dang.

"How long are we- Um- How long are we gonna chill here?" I asked nervously.

"Not too long. Maybe an hour or two." An hour or two?! Im seriously going to die. I rolled off of the couch and landed on the floor with an 'oof!' then stalked up to Sam to see what he was doing.

"Are you taking notes or brainstorming?" I pulled up a nearby stool and sat next to him. He tensed. There was only a few papers on the desk, They were blueprints scribbled with 'NOT OFFICIAL' on them.

"Just thinking. What are you doing?" I had grabbed a blank piece of paper and a pencil.

"Helping you think so we can get out of this dank hole already." I said. He huffed. I couldn't tell if he was smiling because he was wearing a Gas mask. The kind that only covered your mouth.

"Okay. Fine. How about i treat you to a tour around the server after we're finished?" I nodded eagerly and began to think. 

I woke up with a start and sat up in my bed. Oh my god- Had i fallen asleep in my dream and unconsciously disconnected?! I flopped back down, Desperately trying to fall asleep. A few minutes i groaned and sat up. I hopped out of bed and went into the bathroom to freshen up. While brushing my teeth, I began to think again.

 I wonder who's in the prison. Had they been the one to make that giant crater? Maybe... What day is it? Ah right- Its Saturday.

I sighed and rubbed my temples. I was at the dinner table now, having a bowel of cereal. I ate my cereal while scrolling on my phone. A little bit later, I got a text message from Sam.

[SammyWammy123] Hey. You fell asleep when you were sleeping, Back in the Prison.

[Me] Yeah thanks sherlock I figured that out myself

[SammyWammy123] Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed? :)

[Me] Yeah!  i didn't get a tour of the server >:(

[SammyWammy123] Haha! Its okay. We can take a tour tonight.

[Me] But that's in so long!!!

[SammyWammy123] Be patient Ponk. Also don't go anywhere in the prison without me. Just trust me.

[Me] Okay See you later I need to go

[SammyWammy123] Catch you later! :)

I ran up the stairs after I cleaned my empty bowl and tossed my phone onto my bed, I rummaged in my closet and found what I would wear for the day. I quickly changed and shoved my phone into my pocket, I patted downstairs and put my shoes on. I scribbled a note down and snatched my keys, Almost running out the door. I had to get there, And fast. I need to ask him the questions i needed answered.

I typed the address into my GPS (because i wrote it down during school after i dropped him off hehe) And drove there as fast as i could. A couple minutes later, I parked nearby and ran the rest of the way. I stood on his doorstep, Breathless. Before i could knock, Sam opened the door a crack and looked through with one eye.

"Sa-Sam! Oh gosh- I'm sorry I just-" He opened the door and pulled me inside. I stumbled in and looked at him in surprise, Still panting.

"What are you doing here? What do you need? Why are you breathless?" He asked, Concerned. My heart rate hadn't slowed down, But my breathing did. He actually cared? 

"I needed some questions answered so- So I came here." I confessed. Sam's face softened.

"You should have told me you were coming! That's okay. Take your shoes off, I'll go get snacks. He sauntered off. 

Well. That went better than i expected. I sat down and took my shoes off, Putting them beside the door. I stood up and looked around. His house was big- It wasn't a mansion but it was big. I stepped into the living room and sat on the couch. Sam came back with a bowl of chips and two sodas. He sat down next to me and pulled the glass table closet, Setting the snacks on the table.

"Well?" I looked at him confused. 

"Are you going to ask your questions or are you here because I'm 'exceptionally handsome and charming'"? He teased. I smacked him in this shoulder, Flustered while he burst into laughter. 

"Where's your parents?" I asked after he calmed down.

"Business trip. They went a week ago." That explained.

"Whos in the prison?" I asked. He had to answer this.

"Top secret." His face looked cold and carved from stone, No life and No reaction.

"Why?" I began to sweat.

"Next question." He responded.

"I wont tell anyone! I swear! Pleaaaaseee?" I gave him my cutest puppy-dog eyes. He seemed to hesitate for a second.

"Cant. Sorry." I sighed. No going anywhere with THAT.

"Okay then- In the Dream- Dream smp, Am I just like- Gone or am I sleeping at the desk?" 

"Your sleeping." He gave my a lopsided grin that nearly made me burst.

"Don't worry- I carried you to the couch. You wont be uncomfortable." He cut in before i could say anything. Why is he so... Sweet? I couldn't help but giggle.

"Thanks, But aren't you worried Dream will escape? Or people will break him out?" I asked worriedly.

"No, We have a strict schedule for guard rotation. Ant is currently monitoring the prison, Bad should take the shift next. Whe-"

"BAD AND ANT ARE GUARDS?!" I shrieked. He covered my mouth with his hand.

"Yeah." He said grimly.

"Their in the Eggpire which I didn't like, But their good and do the job well." He carefully removed his hand from my mouth. 

"So much effort for that? Why do you do it?"

"D- The prisoner is dangerous. If their released, Then they can cause chaos and kill us. Being killed in the game is as bad as dying in real life. We have no choice but to continue. Either that, Or be hunted down by the creator and Be tortured, Killed and mentally crushed until we commit toaster in bathtub." A laugh slipped my lips at the last quote. 

"Where did that come from?!" It wasn't funny, But it still came out of nowhere. He shrugged.

"Thought I'd lighten up the mood." He smiled a little.

"Wait hold on- Is the creator DreamXD?" He snapped his head towards me, Pinning me with a stare.

"How do you know that?"

[I'm back from my vacation! Hope you guys enjoy and stay hydrated! Words: 1254]

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