| 6 ~ Sleepover. (1/3) |

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The entire time I sat in algebra, I could feel his eyes on me. I just shook it off and quickly walked out of the classroom when it was time to go. I didn't have STEM today, but rather I had coding. I figured it would come of use during my time in Minecraft. I entered and sat down at my assigned monitor and flipped it on, logging into my district account when the sign-in screen appeared. Then I stood up, grabbing the brand new school-assigned headphones and slipped them on.

I opened Google and typed in the app that we were told to use and pressed ENTER. Many sites popped up but I clicked the one on purple, opening the browser app. The initial target for this topic was to be able to make a website on our own. So, I got to work on that.

After a while of working on the website, I got up and stretched, a feeling of relief rippled through my muscles. I had tested the website enough and figured it was okay progress for today. The bell rung and I jumped, hurriedly exiting the website and logging out of my district account. I grabbed my things and ran to my locker. I shoved my things into my locker and went to the nurse to pick up my stuff.

"Hello! How can I- Oh! Ponk! Here, your clothes are all dry." The nurse shoved his clothes into his arms and shooed him off.

"Oh- Thank you!" I said before I was ushered out of the nurses office. I tugged on the warm hoodie and slipped my mask back on, feeling an old familiar comfort settle over me.

"Ponk! Hey Ponk!" Tubbo ran over and embraced him in a hug.

"Hey Tubs! Any plans tonight?" I asked.

"Nope! But I planned a sleepover with Tommy and the others. You wanna join?" Tubbo grinned and began rocking back and fourth on his feet.

"Sure! When is it?"

"Right after school! You go home and pack your stuff. I need to invite some others first."

"Sure. Ill pack some things and come over."

"Thanks Ponk! See you!" He waved and ran off. Ponk slid into his car and started the ignition, Driving his way home.

"Are you single?"

"Yeah... Why?"

"You look like someone that could use a hot chick. What's your type?"

I stopped at a red light and shook my head vigorously. Why did I care so much?


I'll probably forget what he said in a day or two anyway. I parked on the curb outside of the garage and got out. Not locking my car, I ran inside and upstairs to quickly pack a bag in my room.

"Woah! What's with the rush honey?" I  heard my mother's footsteps going up the the stairs.

"I'm gonna go sleepover with Tubbo!" I called. Clothes, check. Nintendo switch, check. Pillow and Blanket, check. Phone, check. I flipped out my phone and sent Tubbo a text.

"Oh okay! Have fun dear. But make sure to sleep early! Its a school night. No exceptions." She patted back down the stairs.

Ponk: Hey Tubbo. Are there going to be snacks or do we have to provide?

I waited a minute as I neatly put everything into the bag so it could fit. I heard a 'Ding!' and I grabbed my phone.

Tubbo: Of course! Snacks are on me! :) :) :)

I grabbed duffel bag and quickly went downstairs, kissed my mother's on the cheek then ran outside and slid into the car, turning back and driving off to Tubbo's place. I parked on the curb to Tubbo's garage and got out. I locked my car while going to the door and knocked three times. The door flew open and Tommy was standing there.

"Ponk!" He cried.

"Uh- Tommy?" I said nervously.

"TUBBOOOOOO!!" He shouted, Making him jump.

"PONKS HEREEEE!" Tommy dragged him inside. I stumbled around for a minute, regaining my balance before looking up. Tubbo ran over to them and shut the door.

"You made it!"

"Of course I did!" I looked up and grinned at him. Tubbo grabbed my wrist and pulled me upstairs to his bedroom.

"Dang. Your bedroom has changed what- the 6th time I've visited now?" Ponk let out a breath and looked around at his new room arrangement.

"Yeah! I like to change things up once in a while." Tubbo grinned at him.

[Very sorry for the short chapter! I was enjoying my weekend. Hope you enjoy yours! Words: 767]

[Nothing much to complain about here. (Thank god lmao)]

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