Chapter 15 - Weekends

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I woke up to my alarm and Sam shaking my shoulder. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Morning Kit-" Sam cut himself off. I looked at him.

"What did you say?" I stretched.

"Nothing- Just- Good morning Ponk." I saw a slight blush on his face before he looked away. I smiled and  hopped off the bed. I gathered my clothes and went into the bathroom and shut the door. I was getting ready to change, But I heard a knock at the door. I cracked it open a little and saw Sam looking down.

"Yeah?" I asked, Looking up at him.

"Can you be quick? its okay if you don't but- I need you to bring me to my house in 15 minutes." His voice had gone still and careful. My eyebrows shot up.


"No reason. Please?" He gave me his puppy eyes and my heart almost melted. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." I gently shoved him out the door  with one hand and shut it. I came out fully dressed and looked around for Sam. He probably was downstairs. I gathered my stuff and padded downstairs. Lord and behold, I found him sitting at the table. The table had two plates with pancakes and butter on it. My eyes widened.

"For me?" I asked, Walking up to him. He smirked and shrugged.

"You took a while to change." I began blushing out of embarrassment and slapped his shoulder.

"Shut up!" Sam dissolved in giggles as I sat down huffily. I reached and grabbed the syrup, Drowning my pancakes in it.

"Woah- Isn't that much?" Sam said between bites. I looked at him with shock.

"You can never have enough syrup on pancakes!" I began to eat mine as well. Sam snorted.

A bit later I stood up to wash my plate. Not two steps later I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and almost bumped into Sam. I looked up at his looming figure and arched my eyebrow.

"Ill wash the dishes. You get ready." He snatched my plate out of my hand and held it over his head.

"Hey!-" I jumped to try to get it back. But my efforts were in vein as Sam forced his way towards the sink. 

"Your act of Chivalry isn't my type!" I called. I grinned and turned around to get ready as i heard the faucet turn on.

"Come on. You got to go do some mysterious mojo. Hurry up with the dishes and lets go." I said. He lifted his head and looked at me, Shutting the faucet. He dried the dishes and sat them on the counter, making his way towards me. I shoved my shoes on and stood up. I turned to get my car keys but froze when I didn't see them on the counter.

"Looking for this?" I heard jingling behind me. I turned around to see Sam dangling car keys on his finger. 

"Sam!" I snatched the keys as he put his shoes on with a high-genuine laugh that couldn't escape my mind fast enough.

"Your so easy to trick, Ponk!" He put his mask on, hiding the grin that was to come. I felt disbelieved, But I've had enough of him yesterday. I blushed and turned around. 

"Lets just go" I said, Walking over and opening the door. Sam nodded and went out into the hallway. I dashed out and shut the door. I caught up to him and unlocked my car, Sliding into the front seat. Sam hopped in next to me and put his seatbelt on.

"I need your address?" I asked. Sam turned on his phone and after a bit, Gave me it. I took it and looked on the GPS. I wasn't too far from here. Which made me wonder...

"Are you gonna skip school?" I asked. Sam nodded, But didn't tell me more. I put the key in the ignition and reached for the board. Sam grabbed my wrist and I looked up.

"What?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Seatbelt." He leaned over to pull my seatbelt down for me. I squished myself closer to the chair. He was so close to my face. So close. I blushed and flattened myself even more. My heart skipped a beat when he sat back. What just happened?

"Safety first!" He smiled. I took a deep breath and began to follow the GPS. We chatted the entire way to his house. We discussed debates, Games, and life. Surprisingly, he had a lot to say despite his cool exterior. His family issues, Problems and more. I knew he likely told Tommy and the others about his personal stuff, But despite that I felt... Special. His problems were in my hand, and so were mine in his. I felt warm on the inside. I mean after all, I had only met him a week ago. It was if we've known each other for years!

I drove up to his home and stopped on the road, Setting the meter to P. Sam unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Ill see you tomorrow Sam!" I said with a smile. Sam nodded and exited with a grim face. He shut the door and I turned the Meter to D, Deciding to head to school to hide my disappointment at the fact that he didn't say goodbye. 


"Aaaah Sorry- Sorry sorry!" I ran into my classroom and sat down.

"Why are you late, Sir?" My teacher asked. I quickly thought of an excuse and I shrugged.

"I overslept." Mr. Buita shook his head and turned around.

"That'll be a tardy for you, Ponk." I nodded and sat down. There goes my no-tardy streak for this year. I opened my English textbook to the page that was written on the whiteboard and began to take out my worksheet.

How does Sam know I've had that egg dream..?

This question again? I frowned.


I shook my head as hard as I could and tried to focus. I managed until Lunch, Where I sat down and began to brainstorm. Why and How? Some magical teleportation? Nahh... Not possible. 

I frowned and squinted at the ground trying to think.

"Ponk?" I jumped and sat around. It was Sapnap.

"O-oh Hi Sap!" I regained myself with a sigh. Sapnap sat down next to me.

"How ya doing?" He asked. 

"Well! You?" I smiled and opened my sandwich.

"Good. What were you looking at so hard?" He asked. I looked up and frowned at him.

"Just a thought. Nothing big." He shrugged and ate. As I was eating mine in silence, A thought popped up.

"Where's Dream and George?" Sapnap looked up with 'that' look. I covered my mouth to try to hide my giggles. Again? Skipping school to hangout? 

"Ahh- Here comes Bad!" Sapnap called. Bad waved and walked up to us and sat down. I contemplated asking him questions about the Eggpire. Would he think I was crazy?

"Hi Ponk! Hi Sapnap!" He grinned and pulled out his lasagna. Sapnap suddenly got up and we both looked up.

"Oh Shi-" Bad shot him a glare and Sapnap cut himself off.

"Oh Shoot- I forgot my soda!" He stood up and ran off not a second later. Now or never I guess.

"Hey Bad-" Bad turned to look at me.

"Yeah?" He said. I swallowed back the lump in my throat and continued.

"Did you have a dream about a Crimson Egg?"

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