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I can't believe it! I though Jason was at Conner's house! Instead he followed me? I don't know but this is weird. Somehow where ever I go Jason is around. "Why is Jason and Conner here?" Ashley asked. "I don't know! that's what I'm wondering about right now." I told Ashley. " I have an idea" I said. "Ignore them and walk past them!" We both said at the same time. "Lol we think alike!" I said. "I know right!" Ashley said. We started to walk forwards. Maybe I shouldn't have came...... But why did Ashley wanted me to come with her so badly? I don't know... Maybe I will ask her when she finish this dinner. I walked right past Jason and Conner. "Julia is that you?" I heard him ask. But I had my black sweater hood up so he couldn't see. But I just ignore him. "Oh I guess it's not Julia." And that was the last thing I herd before I entered the restaurant. "How many people?" The waiter asked. "Three" Joey said. "Ok come this way" the waiter said. We followed him and sat down at our seats. We took off our jackets and hung them on our chairs. Later the waiter came back with three menu for us. "Thank you" I said. I took a look in the menu. "How about some lobster." I asked. "Ya! That would taste amazing!" Ashley said. "Then lobster it is." Joey said. "So what else?" I asked. "Julia we are still looking be patients!" Ashley said. "Lol I am patient!" I said disgust. "How about some chicken soup!" Joey said. "Ya sure!" I exclaimed. After 2 more minutes Ashley suggested chow mien. "OMG!!!!TOTALLY!!!!!!" I screamed so loud, people near by were starring at me. "Sorry, it's just I love chow mien so much." I said apologizing. "Well look like we got our food." Joey said. I waved for the waiter and told him what we wanted and he asked would we like a bowl of rice. "Yes we would like two" Ashley said. "Your food would be ready as soon as possible." The waiter said. "Thanks" Joey said. And the waiter left. We chatted for a while. "So do you want me to pay?" I asked. "No, no, no I'm paying this." Joey said. "You sure?" I asked." Yes Julia I'm sure!" Joey said annoyed. "Ok if you say so." I said concerned. Finally our food arrived. "Yummy" I said with watery mouth. "Let's start!" Ashley said. We stared to eat. I first ate the yummy red lobster! Wow it taste so awesome! ♥‿♥ Joey ate the chicken soup first. I saw the amazing face on him. His eyes was closed with a smile on his face. Ashley of course ate chow mien. After I ate chow mien..... ♥‿♥♥‿♥♥‿♥ OMG I adore it so much. I ate most of it and Joey got one or two string.s left! xDD Then I started to eat rice. I know this is weird but my second favourite food is rice. 0-0 I know right weird! I ate the chicken soup last to digest my other food. Ohhhh the soap was so warm! When we finished it was time to pay. OMG $123.... "Umm Joey I think I should a little.... I started "no I'm ok, $123 is not much." He said to me. I rolled my eyes. He thinks he's that rich. He payed and we got ready for to go. "I'll go to the washroom ok girls? So be right back." Joey said and walked away. Now my chance to asked Ashley. "So Ashley, why did you want me to come with you to eat with Joey?" I asked her while I put on my jacket. Then I suddenly saw Jason, Conner and Mckenzie walking in the restaurant. I was shocked. "Why are they here!?" Ashley said shocked too. "I-I-I- don't know!!!!" I said stumbling. "We are going to do what we did when we came here. I said. "yea, stick with the plans" Ashley agreed. Joey cam back and we started to walked out door. We made it. I took my hood off and started to walk to the car. Then suddenly..... "Julia wait up! Please wait!" I think that was Jason.

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