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Aragorn laughed as he ran through the woods. The trader's son,-, Leon, was it?-, was following him, chasing.

"Do not go too far, Aragorn!" His father called, had yet to finish his trade with the footman of the Master of Laketown.

"Yes, da!" Aragorn answered before letting out a small shriek, as the other boy was suddenly ontop of him, tackling.

Leon let out a roar as they rolled on the grass. Yet in the end, the dunedàn won the 'battle', triumphantly sitting with his chest puffed out.

"I won." Aragorn stated, despite leaves stuck all over his clothes and curls.

Leon laughed,-his condition was no better than Aragorn-, as he sat up. Brushing off his tunic,

They played tag. Running through the wooden platforms over the lake water, often nearly knocking to other people, as they tried to outrun eachother. Laughing.

When the sun went down, the two boys were finally out of breath. Panting as they laid on a small patch of grass near the creek. Smiling as they wheezed for air.

"Are you not tired, Aragorn?" Leon asked as the dunedàn were already back on his feet. A smile on his face.

"Nay! Come! Let us explore the swamp!"

Leon's eyes widened. The poor boy spluttered as he scrambled to catch up to Aragorn, whom already near the dark forest.

"Aragorn! We are not allowed here! More over at night! It's dangerous!" Leon tugged on the boy's tunic.

Aragorn did not listen. He kept his eyes wide as he peered into the dark woods. His senses tingled with a thirst of adventure. He turned to Leon,

"Why not?"

Leon shook his head,
"Nay don't! My ma said there are many beings in there! We shall just leave now."
What creatures?" Aragorn asked as he took a step forward, only to be pulled back.

"No! Ma said there are elves out there!"

Aragorn stopped.

Leon ought to breath an air of relief as he thought Aragorn changed his mind. Yet to his horror, the dunedàn's lips pulled up into a grin. Mirth twinkled in his eyes.

"No! No! No Aragorn! Do not do it! You will get in trouble!" Leon said, backing off.





"The more the merrier-"

"No!" Leon cried out in frustation.

Aragorn frowned. He crossed his arms and furrowed his brows.

"Fine then. I shall go for myself."
Leon gaped like a goldfish as he watched the young dunedàn entered the woods, with a determined look on his face.

Leon really thought to go back. But he did not want to leave Aragorn, and as he mulled over it, the dunedàn was disappearing. So he dashed for his friend and yelled out, "Wait!"

The two boys were now walking inside the swamp. Their boots were dirtied as they trudged forward in the mud. Aragorn walked with relative ease as Leon was having a hard time on his feat, tripping over branches and such.

The woods were darker as they entered it. The sky was clear with stars and silver moon, yet halfway covered with thick trees. Bugs swarmed over them like vicious beasts, and the noises of frogs and cicadas filled the night.

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